Message from @Anatoli-TS
Discord ID: 491702370930130984
Also you dirty fucking commie
Only redeeming quality of Sweden as of today is it’s homogenous population and it’s IKEA
Ignore me
How is 50% a commie
>homogenous population
You what
The rape gangs would like a word with you
Not mine but yea it happens
Rape gangs are a problem for Sweden
Of course I’m not blind
I’m just saying before they gone opened it’s borders it was alright
Also those """"women"""" are hideous
And yrah fam you right
What’s that from
Before the cuck ages
The Caroleans were amazing
The white space is neutral
Then the cucks took over
Commie looks red
So I got 50% neutral on communism l, idk how that happened
I realose now i am a retard
It’s ok @mememachine
We all are at some point
Tfw youll never fight the commie hordes out of your country with your mates
Death to commies and capitalists
Third way gang
Gang gang gang