Message from @Superwalter64
Discord ID: 496527709095329812
Confession: I'm still scared shitless of Herobrine
I'm more concerned about the drug wars\ as a whole and legalized property theft.
Herobrine is real guys
The democrat, who was about 50, talked... at length... about how he was a democrat by heritage - that his father and his grandfather and his great grandfather were all democrats so he was towing the line I guess
Which is hilarious, on multiple levels
I told him his great grandfather would have slapped the shit out of him
I don't really think that people shouldn't be fined or arrested for not wearing a seatbelt
anyone else own the first lego minecraft set
cause i do
wikipedia is fake news
and its epic
So I'd probably be against seatbelt laws if that was the case
Insurance companies should be able to deduct because of a seatbelt not being used in a car crash.
<:bugman:416588250426114049> <:bugman:416588250426114049> <:bugman:416588250426114049>
Herobrine is flat @/pol/tard
@MrLibertyMug if you do not wear a seatbelt you deserve a fine
>No one was harmed because of it
guys herobrine killed jfk
prove me wrong
I don't necessarily care much one way or the other about pot or seatbelts, I just thought it was funny that these two things were like his BIG CONCERNS
legalize prostitution & decriminalize pimping... human trafficking is none of anyone's business anyway
Why should you use force to make someone wear a seatbelt in the first place?
for your own good
I don't really think that's a big concern
gooberment help u
Saves lives
On a public road, state rules.
Just wear it ffs
I think we should have at least some alternatives tbh
Because if you come flying out of your car and crash into me and my car because you decided not to wear your seatbelt, I'm gonna be pissed