Message from @BobHiggins
Discord ID: 556562808926634035
Flippity floppity can I be your property
Hippity Hoppity i want to die
Nice rhyme
i know
Hippity hoppitty i wanna suicidity
Flippity do your now a jew
earth is a square circle
I thought Garry left
why would i leave?
Earth is flat
Flat as paper
Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue Please May I Stab You
earth can be flat as paper
As flat as your profile pic
Nobody cares
What is that top one?
it can't be totally flat i mean hills and mountains. ya even have a brian?
It's don't
Ok we get it
go back to ur flat island moana
I don't even think the Earth is flat
space band aids are very important
without that you cant fly to the moon
moon landing is fake ok