Message from @!?_Quantum_Physics
Discord ID: 497406422250815499
it was about a girl who wanted to be a boy
I didn't read that shit 👌
In Russia
Homosexuals are beat
They stain the face of a once great country
Back in 1870
and there was another presentation about genders some chick did
and she cried at the end of it so people wouldn't ask her questions
Gender is Male Female or Anything else
The latter makes you a faggot
The other 2 are normal
There is only ONE way you can be neither female or male
Russia is a very very sinful nation
And Have Klinefelter's syndrome
Which is very rare
Makes you into an intersex freak
@Logical-Scholar agreed
and I was from a conservative high school so those freaks stood out like a sore thumb
>58 years
faggots die young
Most of them die at 30
so much alcohol
too much vodka
Nigeria is more Christian init
(x) doubt
Nigeria is mostly Muslim
48% are muslim 48% christian
I have heard of Christian Nigerians
What are the other 4%
Random cults maybe
Could be jews
suit: fit
candles: lit
women and minorities: hit
pants: shit
Yup, it's gamer time.
Muslims respect Christians more than atheists or Jews
well yeah they believe in Jesus