Message from @Logical-Scholar
Discord ID: 498458397415571466
i have two wives
im a mormon
<@466935635349995520> Are you implying you represent all women?
I don't hate women, I just hate whores.
and spare us, you're a man behind the screen doing a mega larp
tranny voice incoming
O damn a grill
No I have better things to do than speak to a boy with 0 testosterone
Yo was sup bb grill u got insta?
Fellas, in honor of Brett kavanaugh, I do declare this woman
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***حلوة#3506 was banned***
<@495090170488553473> im so sorry
i didnt mean to hurt you
It's all LARPs
A low test male larping as a woman on discord and claiming anyone who don't like immodest women are losers.
We should have a nickname for such
Does Milo really have aids?
I hope that I find an immodest woman
I mean
Modest woman
Not surprising since he's a fag
No conservative is a faggot
Of course he has aids
I don't get the """conservatives""" that support him only because he bashes the feminists
They aren’t conservatives
It's the same as supporting Ben Shapiro because he bashes some sjws epic style
If Ben Shapiro ever tries to pursue political career, watch the film Omen
It's about him
Who else here hates women?
I love women
Lmao loser