Message from @Darkstar
Discord ID: 499288512625901568
Income is probably high
Make Mexico Great Again
Yeah there's no way Asheville has low income
It's a high income white shithole but that's because of local culture
high income =/= white shithole
Why would minorities gravitate to areas with less gibs
Yeah obv
The white towns outside of Jackson Mississippi are very comfy despite being high income
States with over 70% whites should leave the union 😎
and save them
I would rather live in those white suburbs than Asheville
Asheville, NC is only 67% white
guys the doctor said that i have terminal cancer
No fucking way
I don't know what that is but it sounds epic 😎
I went there 2 months ago and didn't see more than 10 niggers downtown
4023 whites out of 5945 students in their high schools
the percentage is lower when you factor in elementary / middle schools
***T H O T***
Are you basing this off of schools or census
schools, the census is all the boomers who are 90+% white
my school has only about
In practicality Asheville is white
6 black people
Actually go there
yes, it's a white majority (still)
give it 20 years
Well Asheville is doomed
Because it's literally hipsters but east coast
The city
yes that's what happens when you allow minorities in
at first they're a beaten down minority, then 10% becomes 50% within a few generations
Look up Gulf Shores Alabama