Message from @Outboarduniform
Discord ID: 499717270910533667
blood of the enemy
gypsies are at my local dollar store
So apparently, Discord is the social lounge of far-right "hate groups". Lmao
there are like 15 of them that drive around in a white van
and take up about half of the dollar tree
the fuck there's gypsies in this country?
and none of them speak english
they're all from new york
@Gaddafi did nothing wrong lol they can't do anything about it
@Gaddafi did nothing wrong tenth time i've heard that today
there's thousands of "le far right"ers
That is not dead which can eternal lie
where the fuck are there gypsies in America?
and new
tfw dumb normie liberals take siege fag troll posts seriously
Jersey gypsies are the worst
most are illegal immigrants
Gypsies are always awful
never met a gypsy
but they look dirty
go to a dollar store
Consider yourself lucky
@Vril-Gesellschaft have you ever been to europe
gypsies have family reunions at the dollar store
I have, I might have seen them but didn't focus
Gypsies are Indian nomads
when I was there they were very obvious
they all dressed the same way
Better watch your streets
gypsies are also mexican and chinese
pajeet sees street
grabs a sheet
gypsies are pajeets