Message from @TradChad
Discord ID: 499716926210310145
>he bought into fundamentalist investing memes
>gold standard
muh buy the index goy
it will always go up
i never really understood stocks
muh murica
I didn't buy index
stocks are a waste of money
>goy if you buy index you will make 100% in 60 years
I probably should just let the New York Jews handle it for me
jews make shit traders
they're better at banking
and law
no livingston jews
trading requires spatial autism jews are not capable of usually
livingston jews are better with money than new york jews
you have to be able to visualize factors as abstract entities
in other words there are metaphysical concepts involved in the advanced stats which they cannot process
gypsies will pick the best stocks
of course
blood of the enemy
gypsies are at my local dollar store
So apparently, Discord is the social lounge of far-right "hate groups". Lmao
there are like 15 of them that drive around in a white van
and take up about half of the dollar tree
the fuck there's gypsies in this country?
and none of them speak english
they're all from new york
@Gaddafi did nothing wrong lol they can't do anything about it
@Gaddafi did nothing wrong tenth time i've heard that today
there's thousands of "le far right"ers
That is not dead which can eternal lie
where the fuck are there gypsies in America?