Message from @Punished Norm

Discord ID: 501902522265632813

2018-10-16 23:39:48 UTC  

boomer years old

2018-10-16 23:39:52 UTC  


2018-10-16 23:40:09 UTC  

most people who go really old do it because they're actually really young

2018-10-16 23:40:13 UTC  


2018-10-16 23:40:26 UTC  

I'm 17

2018-10-16 23:40:31 UTC  


2018-10-16 23:40:37 UTC  

yea yea thats better

2018-10-16 23:40:40 UTC  

Everyone here is young

2018-10-16 23:40:43 UTC  

Halo Wars was my favorite game for a few years

2018-10-16 23:40:45 UTC  


2018-10-16 23:40:55 UTC  
2018-10-16 23:40:55 UTC  

I then spent copious amounts of time in HoI

2018-10-16 23:41:05 UTC  

Halo 3 > Halo Wars

2018-10-16 23:41:11 UTC  

Halo: CE > Halo 3

2018-10-16 23:41:11 UTC  

guys i want to play a cyberpunk game

2018-10-16 23:41:12 UTC  

They're not comparable

2018-10-16 23:41:20 UTC  

Halo 3 > All Halos

2018-10-16 23:41:24 UTC  

italians are pretty cool

2018-10-16 23:41:25 UTC  

cyberpunk 2077 is going to take so long

2018-10-16 23:41:26 UTC  

Halo Odst > All Halos

2018-10-16 23:41:27 UTC  

Salama alaykom Westerners

2018-10-16 23:41:33 UTC  

Shut up Islam

2018-10-16 23:41:39 UTC  

That Halo3, ODST both good

2018-10-16 23:41:40 UTC  


2018-10-16 23:41:41 UTC  

halo reach > all others

2018-10-16 23:41:54 UTC  

I just said "Peace be upon you" in Arabic

2018-10-16 23:41:56 UTC  

What about first halo

2018-10-16 23:41:57 UTC  

ODST was the best halo FPS

2018-10-16 23:41:58 UTC  

halo 3's editor mode was crap

2018-10-16 23:42:02 UTC  

Prove me wrong

2018-10-16 23:42:10 UTC  

Don't care shut up Islam

2018-10-16 23:42:29 UTC  

ODST firefight was epic

2018-10-16 23:42:32 UTC  

I remember going to different parts of the city, sneaking around.

2018-10-16 23:42:38 UTC  

odst was decent

2018-10-16 23:42:49 UTC  

Red Orchestra is also criminally underrated

2018-10-16 23:42:50 UTC  

Odst had a great release trailer

2018-10-16 23:42:57 UTC  

i played all those halo games

2018-10-16 23:43:01 UTC  

I refuse to get the new game personally

2018-10-16 23:43:05 UTC  

up until halo reach

2018-10-16 23:43:06 UTC  

you fellas know they're coming out with a Halo TV Series that'll be game of thrones tier quality