Message from @☦ Slouch ☦
Discord ID: 501910508333694996
@GrandxSlam idk wat yer even talkin about.
fallout new vegas
never played it
ncr, legion or mr house
The Legion is the ultimate implementation of SIEGE
you absolute boomer
Creepy porn president?
If I have the option I’ll get Japanese or American things over say korean or cuckandian things.
I hope the creepy porn lawyer runs in 2020
2020 is going to be a bigger meme than 2016
He would get stompes
I hope Elizabeth Warren runs
Trump 2020
More like DUMBPF
I’m gonna buy that Winchester house with the 8964 rooms and doors
Is alchohol the liquid Jew?
I love jews
me too
people think it's edgy to hate jews but nobody actually hates them
Alcohol is good in moderation
vril pretends to hate jews but i know he likes them too
i think vril is a jew irl tbh
Jews are a Jewish trick
There are only 2 genders
Chsnge my mind
Anti semitism is a Jewish trick
how do I know you're not a jewish trick
You don't
that sounds like a jewish trick
trs is a jewish trick
if god is jewish then everybody is a jewish trick
believing jews control everything is a jewish trick