Message from @c.rans
Discord ID: 501942016750649344
work on ur aim @𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐑𝐀𝐓
and I thought I had bad aim
>largest video platform in the world is down in every country
prepare yourselves to wake up to the most massive shoah of right wingers ever getting deplatformed
Do not
Ok what the fuck. Now I get the saying "alabama, at least its not Mississippi."
YouTube has been having issues since 9:16pm EST
I find this to not be a normal error on Youtube's side.
It's been down for almost an hour.
its planned, it wouldnt be possible for it to be worldwide if they didnt do it intentionaly.
theyre doing something
Plus, the main site for website outages, that was tracking youtube is now down.
The whole site
1% NPC fix the youtube for Gamers!!!
This is the face of a woman who stabs her own grandbaby and puts her in an oven to die
yeah man its fucked up
If the gamers rise up... We are done 😭
what the
i don't know what people honestly expect, though
ive seen lots of those stories of black women killing kids. it happens more often than u think
On the real tho
That's Satanic activity
the black woman story is a diversion from elites killing kids
It's rare that this sort of thing happens out of the blue
they want to point the finger at lower class
of course police departments have no supernatural crimes division
they should
there are parts of alabama that have shanty towns and are practically third world, Mississippi has about 10x as much
they have divisions that deal with occult though
they have zero mental health help
>the fbi has always investigated paranormal activity