Message from @Logical-Scholar

Discord ID: 502414679780491277

2018-10-18 09:29:25 UTC  


2018-10-18 09:29:30 UTC  

giving the rights to individuals from the state makes it more safe

2018-10-18 09:29:48 UTC  

natural selection gets rid of parasites and people who ruin the system

2018-10-18 09:30:05 UTC  

the government just gets more hungry with more food

2018-10-18 09:30:18 UTC  

<@396901899724521482> I answered your question fyi

2018-10-18 09:30:36 UTC  

If you have further questions please don't hesitate

2018-10-18 09:31:02 UTC  

```by getting overthrown
it starts being corrupt
beurocracy all over the place```
As with every nation with a government ever.

```giving the rights to individuals from the state makes it more safe```
No it doesn't, anti-state ideology is allowed to run wild

```natural selection gets rid of parasites and people who ruin the system```
It isn't purely genetic, people have the free will to be degenerates any time.
You mean what creates degeneracy?

2018-10-18 09:31:45 UTC  

@Quasi the state will just be about the police force, military, etc.

2018-10-18 09:31:46 UTC  

You ever hear of controlled opposition? @Quasi

2018-10-18 09:31:57 UTC  

no government intervention, it will not make them rise up

2018-10-18 09:32:38 UTC  

@sad slav Night-watch state is just a battle royale of who can control the government and expand it
@WizardLizardInABlizzard Yeah

2018-10-18 09:32:38 UTC  

they will not have a reason to overthrow the government just protecting them and doing nothing with their personal stuff like rights

2018-10-18 09:33:38 UTC  

Watch and snuff out dangers to the state not criminal punishment

2018-10-18 09:34:14 UTC  

It's french culture since the renaissance

2018-10-18 09:34:20 UTC  

Maybe even b4

2018-10-18 09:34:44 UTC  

will the EU become a full on (con) federation in the next like 10 years? <:HyperThinking:356316737588690944>

2018-10-18 09:34:46 UTC  

```they will not have a reason to overthrow the government just protecting them and doing nothing with their personal stuff like rights```
I would since they are giving too many rights. People usually revolt when they are hungry, though. Not for rights. Free speech allows for ideology to run rampant, you're advocating a very unstable model
```Watch and snuff out dangers to the state not criminal punishment```
Criminal punishment *is* snuffing dangers out, lol

2018-10-18 09:34:53 UTC  

They are getting what they are worth

2018-10-18 09:35:36 UTC  

Look and what fbi did to the black panthers

2018-10-18 09:36:30 UTC  

I have never dealt with a more lazy and self entitled people than the fucking french

2018-10-18 09:36:34 UTC  

France is multicultural

2018-10-18 09:36:35 UTC  

Subversion can work, sure. But that seems pretty *orwellian* to me

2018-10-18 09:37:02 UTC  

```Free speech allows for ideology to run rampant, you're advocating a very unstable model```
To hammer this in, look at who controls the media usually

2018-10-18 09:37:27 UTC  

Yeah, just (((it))) up

2018-10-18 09:38:15 UTC  

if the basis of the ideology are based on having those rights, the rights will not make them fall apart

2018-10-18 09:38:18 UTC  

Better to have extremists fight each other than emprison them and give fuel to their cause

2018-10-18 09:39:00 UTC  

in my country, locking up people for minor things and restricting their human rights didn't stop them from making an uprising

2018-10-18 09:39:11 UTC  

in all former socialist block countries, in fact

2018-10-18 09:39:28 UTC  

it doesn't stop underground extremism

2018-10-18 09:40:01 UTC  

My fucking point since earlier

2018-10-18 09:40:22 UTC  

```if the basis of the ideology are based on having those rights, the rights will not make them fall apart```
I'm not sure what you said here.
```Better to have extremists fight each other than imprison them and give fuel to their cause```
Them dying to each other doesn't fuel them but imprisonment does. Wow.
```it doesn't stop underground extremism```
It stops overground extremism, that's the point. Overground is more dangerous than undergound

2018-10-18 09:40:31 UTC  

and a lot of people don't think like you, you don't even know what's best for all people, you know what's best for the ones who support your system and you just restrict rights of the ones who don't

2018-10-18 09:40:45 UTC  


2018-10-18 09:41:13 UTC  


2018-10-18 09:41:26 UTC  

you are just gay and you have daddy complexes

2018-10-18 09:41:37 UTC  

```in my country, locking up people for minor things and restricting their human rights didn't stop them from making an uprising```
Not in mine 😎
```and a lot of people don't think like you, you don't even know what's best for all people, you know what's best for the ones who support your system and you just restrict rights of the ones who don't```
Do you know that people need rights? I support restricting rights for everyone, I'm not some *bigot*.
```you are just gay and you have daddy complexes```

2018-10-18 09:41:39 UTC  

Bloods and crips fought each other instead of "the man"

2018-10-18 09:41:54 UTC  

>authoritarianism means welfare state

2018-10-18 09:41:59 UTC  

high iq take

2018-10-18 09:42:02 UTC  


2018-10-18 09:42:07 UTC  

you said you were socialist