Message from @Leiro レイロ

Discord ID: 502421501421813761

2018-10-18 09:59:46 UTC  

@Leiro レイロ Muh grown up transcendent socialism
this is what happened
you saw low tier sjw shit
went right as a reaction
didnt research right wing concepts
swung immediately left because thats your inclination
the result
libertarian socialist

2018-10-18 10:00:01 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard under socialism the government dosent decide your life, authoritarianism cannot exist under a socialist society because the transition from socialism to capitalism is decided by the people alone

2018-10-18 10:00:29 UTC  

Or allow my gains to be profited by a government I neither agree with or support

2018-10-18 10:00:48 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard we don't give a shit about your profits.

2018-10-18 10:00:53 UTC  

we only hate the bourgeois

2018-10-18 10:00:54 UTC  


2018-10-18 10:01:06 UTC  

mysterious bourgeois

2018-10-18 10:01:10 UTC  


2018-10-18 10:01:40 UTC  

So profit only from the successful innovators of your country?

2018-10-18 10:02:00 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard profit in a socialist society benefits the workers, not the bourgeois.

2018-10-18 10:02:01 UTC  

That sounds like a worse revolution than slaves rising up

2018-10-18 10:02:11 UTC  

```They make it easy? I don't really think it should be a companies responsibility over a parent's responsibility```
Why not? They can help the prevention of it. It can be the responsibility of both. I am also confused that a ''Traditionalist'' is stating this.
```That really doesnt convince me of any major intent to mess with Christianity I think its just about money```
They are definitely not caring for the spiritual wellbeing of people to produce it in the first place

2018-10-18 10:02:13 UTC  

Government is required to enforce socialism sorry

2018-10-18 10:02:24 UTC  

but in your world the bourgeois is the business owner

2018-10-18 10:02:43 UTC  

@Punished Norm sorry, the transition to socialism happens with the will of the people and not to government

2018-10-18 10:02:49 UTC  

socialists just elect their bourgeois instead of letting them achieve their position through merit

2018-10-18 10:03:10 UTC  

@Leiro レイロ let me know how that works out for you

2018-10-18 10:03:23 UTC  

The government does not give up power

2018-10-18 10:03:26 UTC  

@Leiro レイロ Sorry the transition to socialism can only be sustained with a government as it is impossible to sustain public faith over a period of time

2018-10-18 10:03:29 UTC  


2018-10-18 10:03:40 UTC  

@Punished Norm sorry, do you even know what's the theory of SNLT? Don't give me bullshit about no merit in a socialist society, that has been debunked.

2018-10-18 10:04:16 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard Can you philosophically justify Libertarianism?

2018-10-18 10:04:17 UTC  

you don't even know the concepts and thoughts of socialism, it's no point arguing with you.

2018-10-18 10:04:36 UTC  

if you don't know what socialism is or equate it to something it isnt

2018-10-18 10:04:41 UTC  

socialism only works in a world of literal npcs that never change their opinions and never have differing concepts of government and never attempt to acquire more than some meaningless allotted share and never pursue domination over cooperation

2018-10-18 10:05:02 UTC  

>**literal** NPCs
you mean a literal video game?

2018-10-18 10:05:04 UTC  

Individual freedom to pursue social growth through production and innovation

2018-10-18 10:05:12 UTC  

@Punished Norm change their opinions? it's decided upon democratically by the workers.

2018-10-18 10:05:17 UTC  

@Quasi retard tier

2018-10-18 10:05:20 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard that's not a philosophical justification lmao

2018-10-18 10:05:31 UTC  

Don't misuse ''literal''

2018-10-18 10:05:41 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard production and innovation would skyrocket under socialism, I rather I dm you about this instead of being speaking in this chat

2018-10-18 10:05:49 UTC  


2018-10-18 10:06:00 UTC  


2018-10-18 10:06:41 UTC  

Afraid of being laughed at? Listen you can dm me but I know socialism and I know why it doesn't work

2018-10-18 10:06:44 UTC  

Don't be autistic over the use of language
Literal in this context can mean the literal description of npcs based on the meme
you choose to define it as video game npcs because youre a retard and ideologically opposed

2018-10-18 10:06:55 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard then tell what's socialism

2018-10-18 10:07:07 UTC  

@Leiro レイロ Because democracy is stagnant right

2018-10-18 10:07:09 UTC  

@Quasi do I look like fucking Socrates?

2018-10-18 10:07:25 UTC  

What's that? Are they even real?
``` freedom```
what is that?
```social growth```
```production ```
Is that real?
``` innovation```
Which is?

@Punished Norm I'm not defending him, I'm correcting the usage of the word

2018-10-18 10:07:32 UTC  

@WizardLizardInABlizzard define what's socialism