Message from @agag

Discord ID: 502696712574468097

2018-10-19 04:15:16 UTC  

I think north Texas would split to a white ethnostate

2018-10-19 04:15:20 UTC  

South Texas is doomed

2018-10-19 04:15:24 UTC  

l don't see the *entire* US becoming an ethnostate. @Vril-Gesellschaft that's super wishful thinking.

2018-10-19 04:15:42 UTC  

I don't think so, listen to Vox Day's analysis on the topic

2018-10-19 04:15:44 UTC  

waaaaaa there's hispanics in south texas that means everything is doomed

2018-10-19 04:15:51 UTC  

shifts to authoritarian nationalism tend to be very dramatic

2018-10-19 04:15:52 UTC  

and very quick

2018-10-19 04:16:06 UTC  

We could obtain a few northern states and congregate there

2018-10-19 04:16:16 UTC  

imo modern plutocracy will end up killed off, like we see in hsitorical cycles with degenerate elite, and then replaced with military hierarchy

2018-10-19 04:16:21 UTC  

which will have a racialist component

2018-10-19 04:16:36 UTC  


2018-10-19 04:16:41 UTC  


2018-10-19 04:16:53 UTC  

all this retarded projection

2018-10-19 04:16:55 UTC  

@agag look at history, multiracialist societies always end up like this

2018-10-19 04:16:58 UTC  

the fuck is going on, my PS4 has restarted like 4 times by itself

2018-10-19 04:16:58 UTC  

the us isn't going to fall apart

2018-10-19 04:17:02 UTC  

2030 is maybe a bit of an early projection

2018-10-19 04:17:07 UTC  

but it's contingent on an economic collapse

2018-10-19 04:17:10 UTC  

you're projecting your modern conception of race onto the past

2018-10-19 04:17:15 UTC  

t. Retard

2018-10-19 04:17:15 UTC  

rome didn't fail cause they weren't all aryans

2018-10-19 04:17:16 UTC

2018-10-19 04:17:35 UTC  

an economic collapse will have the people crying for the blood of billionaires

2018-10-19 04:17:38 UTC  

they are already very unsettled

2018-10-19 04:17:40 UTC  

>usig the "it can't happen here" meme

2018-10-19 04:17:51 UTC  

an economic collapse under trump would not lead to the revolution you expect

2018-10-19 04:17:54 UTC  

it would lead to the opposite

2018-10-19 04:17:59 UTC  

it would not happen under trump

2018-10-19 04:18:03 UTC  

likely after post 2024

2018-10-19 04:18:05 UTC  

that's what's projected

2018-10-19 04:18:09 UTC  

recession starting ~2020

2018-10-19 04:18:17 UTC  

Anyways, I think any fracture of the US would lead to large weaknesses geopolitically unless we just absolutely fuck minorities over

2018-10-19 04:18:26 UTC  

Hope it does tbh

2018-10-19 04:18:31 UTC  

that's when l'll buy a house

2018-10-19 04:18:31 UTC  

No I suspect he will enact quantitative easing by pressuring the fed

2018-10-19 04:18:36 UTC  

should be interesting to watch

2018-10-19 04:18:45 UTC  

shares will be kept artificially high

2018-10-19 04:18:45 UTC  

I hope it does as well

2018-10-19 04:18:48 UTC  

l'm patiently waiting for the housing market to shit the bed

2018-10-19 04:18:48 UTC  

and will crash hard

2018-10-19 04:18:54 UTC  

I have skills that can't be replaced