Message from @agag

Discord ID: 502973037654573076

2018-10-19 22:31:46 UTC  

pee is stored in balls

2018-10-19 22:31:47 UTC  

@Vril-Gesellschaftno antifa liberals got their ass handed to them by proud boys

2018-10-19 22:32:06 UTC  

tfw implying the working class are truly united in the US tbh

2018-10-19 22:32:11 UTC  

@hydra lee people like you are useful idiots who will just polarize society right into our hands

2018-10-19 22:32:31 UTC

2018-10-19 22:32:53 UTC  

@Vril-Gesellschaftnope you people rely on liberals pushing idpol we socalists completely reject idpol

2018-10-19 22:33:26 UTC  

How is idiot on the same play field as nigger

2018-10-19 22:33:34 UTC

2018-10-19 22:33:44 UTC  


2018-10-19 22:33:53 UTC  

@hydra lee lel both are retarded for focusing on da ebull natzis with no institutional power

2018-10-19 22:33:54 UTC  


2018-10-19 22:33:59 UTC  

useful idiots for the "nazis" and the system

2018-10-19 22:34:06 UTC  

since they direct attention away from plutocracy

2018-10-19 22:34:10 UTC  

and onto groups with no institutional power

2018-10-19 22:34:16 UTC  

like religious groups and "nazis"

2018-10-19 22:34:30 UTC  

all you end up doing is polarizing society against your beliefs

2018-10-19 22:34:36 UTC  

>religious groups have no institutional power

2018-10-19 22:34:44 UTC  

@Vril-Gesellschaftwe don't focus on Nazis actually

2018-10-19 22:34:50 UTC  

@agag non pozzed ones don't

2018-10-19 22:35:07 UTC  

@hydra lee then why you beefing dood

2018-10-19 22:35:16 UTC  

yeah "non-pozzed ones" are shit

2018-10-19 22:35:20 UTC  

steven anderson type retards

2018-10-19 22:35:27 UTC  

orthodox Christians are based

2018-10-19 22:35:29 UTC  

I like them

2018-10-19 22:35:34 UTC

2018-10-19 22:35:34 UTC  

i am live <:bugman:416588250426114049>

2018-10-19 22:36:31 UTC  

orthodox christians have less power cause there's like 10 million of them tops, combining eastern orthodox and oriental orthodox

2018-10-19 22:36:37 UTC  

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Krusty Krab is unfair
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2018-10-19 22:36:37 UTC  

@Vril-Gesellschaftwhat we want is to overthrow the capitaist system and build a socalist system that's it you don't build revolution by deviding the workers with idpol or by diverting attention to neo Nazis

2018-10-19 22:36:42 UTC

2018-10-19 22:36:45 UTC  


2018-10-19 22:36:49 UTC  


2018-10-19 22:36:56 UTC  

but eastern orthodox are pretty sucessful on average

2018-10-19 22:37:16 UTC  

@hydra lee you can't overthrow plutocracy with a socialist marxist movement

2018-10-19 22:37:23 UTC  

it's impossible, they will infiltrate and destroy you easily

2018-10-19 22:37:27 UTC  

because lack of authoritarian structure

2018-10-19 22:37:31 UTC  

@Vril-Gesellschaft btw y do u have 2 accounts

2018-10-19 22:37:36 UTC  

one got banned

2018-10-19 22:37:37 UTC  

old one got disabled

2018-10-19 22:37:44 UTC  

tell that to lenin @Vril-Gesellschaft

2018-10-19 22:37:51 UTC  

lenin was backed by wall street