Message from @Quasi

Discord ID: 503092676954947604

2018-10-20 06:29:36 UTC  

I don't know if I'll end up marrying however, part of me thinks it's something that really isn't for me.

2018-10-20 06:29:38 UTC  

Man show, woman follow

2018-10-20 06:29:44 UTC  

wamens obey

2018-10-20 06:29:47 UTC  

woman see, woman do

2018-10-20 06:29:47 UTC  

No, I'm this:

2018-10-20 06:29:48 UTC  


2018-10-20 06:29:49 UTC  

Whites are more Christian
Whites hold more Conservative beliefs
Whites commit less crime
Whites are the main reason Christianity has spread so far besides God's will. I do not see how you can be a Christian and not see how it makes sense to give your lineage the most beneficial head start.

2018-10-20 06:29:59 UTC  

oh wow the russian bots are out in full force tonight

2018-10-20 06:30:01 UTC  

This is my opinion of the issue.

2018-10-20 06:30:05 UTC  

@Timotheos Komnenos 65% white i see

2018-10-20 06:30:08 UTC  

Correlation =/= Correlation

2018-10-20 06:30:15 UTC  

hold up bro

2018-10-20 06:30:15 UTC  

if wamen no obey grug no give berries and wamen no get new fur dress

2018-10-20 06:30:15 UTC  

what's it like living in North Carolina

2018-10-20 06:30:23 UTC  

```Correlation =/= Correlation```

2018-10-20 06:30:24 UTC  

I have the state blacklisted because of the % of niggers in public schools

2018-10-20 06:30:25 UTC  

Not white enough for the ethnostate sadly @Mr. Dr. Professor. Vaughn

2018-10-20 06:30:25 UTC  


2018-10-20 06:30:33 UTC  

das rite

2018-10-20 06:30:37 UTC  

@Timotheos Komnenos are you hu-white

2018-10-20 06:30:41 UTC  

@Timotheos Komnenos you're basically british, you're alright

2018-10-20 06:30:42 UTC  


2018-10-20 06:30:56 UTC  

Irish, shameful shameful country Ireland

2018-10-20 06:30:57 UTC  

I live in Miami, Florida. These catholics are all a disgusting sham minus a few who have repented for their entire lives, I have met such unfortunate souls that did find the light

2018-10-20 06:30:57 UTC  

nah just have white babies

2018-10-20 06:31:05 UTC  
2018-10-20 06:31:21 UTC  

my grandma is an example, never drank in her life and has gone to church everday in her life

2018-10-20 06:31:25 UTC  

quit worrying about niggers and focus on what you can do to keep the white birthrate from declining anymore

2018-10-20 06:31:30 UTC  

@Timotheos Komnenos Would you marry someone who isn’t white?

2018-10-20 06:31:40 UTC  


2018-10-20 06:32:08 UTC  

I wouldn't marry anyone who doesn't share the same genetics as me

2018-10-20 06:32:18 UTC  

If you have kids with a black woman you'll have kids strong as a donkey and smart as a horse. 10/10

2018-10-20 06:32:20 UTC  

Marry your sister then

2018-10-20 06:32:21 UTC  

you'd only marry your sister?

2018-10-20 06:32:28 UTC  

@calciferalt separate*

2018-10-20 06:32:28 UTC  

I literally ghosted a girl the minute she told me "i'm half italian half hungarian"

2018-10-20 06:32:42 UTC  


2018-10-20 06:32:43 UTC  

My ancestors all came from here:

2018-10-20 06:32:53 UTC  

dats me

2018-10-20 06:33:04 UTC  

how does it feel to know your ancestors were prots

2018-10-20 06:33:07 UTC  

i'm sorry we left eurobros