Message from @BibleBot

Discord ID: 558564269902266368

2019-03-22 08:12:09 UTC  

Besides I heavily believe in this quote

2019-03-22 08:12:11 UTC  

Matthew 26:52

2019-03-22 08:12:11 UTC  

**Matthew 26:52 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<52> Then Jesus said to him, "Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. ```

2019-03-22 08:12:19 UTC  

Fuck me, man, I need to learn how to let the serious stuff breeze by.

2019-03-22 08:12:31 UTC  


2019-03-22 08:12:32 UTC  

$set KJV

2019-03-22 08:12:35 UTC  

set KJV

2019-03-22 08:12:50 UTC  

Jesus Christ is the sword.

2019-03-22 08:13:06 UTC  

so jesus kills people?

2019-03-22 08:13:11 UTC  


2019-03-22 08:13:24 UTC  

No. He’s the sword of the spirit. The word of God.

2019-03-22 08:13:49 UTC  

oh I thought he was the son of god and also god himself

2019-03-22 08:13:59 UTC  

He is.

2019-03-22 08:14:23 UTC  

so there are 2 gods? Or is god his own son?

2019-03-22 08:14:27 UTC  

One god

2019-03-22 08:14:28 UTC  

One son

2019-03-22 08:14:37 UTC  

One thing

2019-03-22 08:14:48 UTC  

but who is the son if jesus is god?

2019-03-22 08:14:52 UTC  


2019-03-22 08:14:59 UTC  

1 Timothy 3:16

2019-03-22 08:14:59 UTC  

**1 Timothy 3:16 - King James Version (KJV)**


<16> And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. ```

2019-03-22 08:15:07 UTC  

God is the son who is also jesus who isnt jesus but also is God

2019-03-22 08:15:07 UTC  

Below 5’ 5”? I’m saved by the damn bell.

2019-03-22 08:15:09 UTC  

so god is his own son?

2019-03-22 08:15:18 UTC  


2019-03-22 08:15:33 UTC  

that means he gave borth to himself?

2019-03-22 08:15:38 UTC  


2019-03-22 08:15:41 UTC  

Mary gave birth

2019-03-22 08:15:55 UTC  

mary is the literal mother of god?

2019-03-22 08:15:58 UTC  


2019-03-22 08:16:00 UTC  

O wait

2019-03-22 08:16:02 UTC  


2019-03-22 08:16:05 UTC  

You are right

2019-03-22 08:16:17 UTC  

Colossians 2:9

2019-03-22 08:16:17 UTC  

But no you arent actually

2019-03-22 08:16:17 UTC  

**Colossians 2:9 - King James Version (KJV)**


<9> For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. ```

2019-03-22 08:16:25 UTC  

Because only in the flesh and stuff

2019-03-22 08:16:40 UTC  

God was still up wherever he his during that

2019-03-22 08:17:05 UTC  

This is the most ive talked about the bible in months lolololol

2019-03-22 08:17:12 UTC  

so jesus was soulless?

2019-03-22 08:17:21 UTC  
