Message from @FTPcorduroy
Discord ID: 559709713474781188
If sinning is wrong I don’t wanna be right <:cool:507986727953235970>
Same with cheese
Greed sloth gluttony envy pride
Various reasons for my sin
Who’s a Glober
Zombie deer outbreak my dude
Things be decomposing and walking
Guns bad kill people
I don’t see the problem with guns, I see all the time about Armageddon and how most people will die
Brenton tarrant moment
But truth can also be hidden or moulded <:smart:484956754489376781>
No u
Who plays ark
Only to liars, Stick boi.
That’s my point
Derek Nelson
The Earth is a sphere and it is not flat
Derek Nelson
The Earth is not flat
The End.
I like your guts Dr. Mario
Don’t cuz I already joined other flat Earth discord servers
And said the same stuff
Derek Nelson
As I said, I like your guts dr. Mario
Based on no proof the earth is a ball. Okay then.
There is 100000 proofs that the Earth is a sphere
Derek Nelson
Did you replace your brain with shit? @Derek Nelson
Ball earth literally doesn’t have a single proof.
Derek Nelson
Derek Nelson