Message from @elle
Discord ID: 567476705527070720
40 is middle aged and 20 is medium aged
20 is young
40 is medium
i am old and wise
i laughed at myself
You’re two years older than me, lmfao
for typing that out
I sure as hell ain’t wise, lel
Is 20 really young tho
i am kind of wise but kind of stupid
I’m 100% idiot
NO 20 is medium
<:cool:507986727953235970> <:cool:507986727953235970>
I'm 21 and don't feel young haha
20 is young
You’re young
i feel young
Let’s face it
now i feel like an infant
Unless the average lifespan where you live is like 46, you’re young.
I'm 3 months old
That's true I'm living until 100
ya it shows
Elle, when you were 14, you were probably barely even a proper child.
So I only lived 1/5 of life let's go
when i was 14
Earth is a dounut
i was
a mess and i didnt act like a 14 year old
And you’re still young, Elle
We have the whole world to see elle
We haven't seen anything yet