Message from @cocobanana
Discord ID: 567504084475838464
arabic is very beautiful
when i was working at a refugee camp the syrians would not stop playing arabic music it's so bad
hey there
tbh i love arabic music
i have never disliked a language before
😂 😂
but arabic is so bad
it sounds like ur tongue is too big for your mouth
ya rab
allah allah ya baba w salam alaik ya baba
allah allah yaaaa baba w salam alaik ya baba
sidi mansour ya baba
w enjilkl sour ya baba
No offense but that song 💩
cuz u dont understand nuttin
@cocobanana where u from
I skipped to 1:40 and it sounded like the intro still
ughhhhh boi you skipped so much lyrriiiccsss
i live in canada i immigrated in 2006 lol
when you're monolingual and you hear "Hoot Hoot Don't Make Me Shoot" at the front door
That's sick
i'm so jealous of you canadians
i love the poutine here
do you live in quebec
it's so cold there
france land .edu
Come visit Elle
nope ontario
i have to one day
its very cold here
It's beautiful some days
ottawa just got hit recently by a violent rainstorm
i have seen some really beautiful pictures of places in canada