Message from @touchmystuffIkillyou
Discord ID: 313844914867929089
As he said the questions are about political views and related
@here The vetting process is a few historical questions and then questions about your political ideology. We just want to make sure you're not a commie infiltrator or a fed.
I can appreciate that. I always assume feds are listening anyways. They don't need to lurk like they used to.
More disdain for communists than feds.
That Texas data bank they build was to ease the process. After that would be rare to find a fed lurking around, if not just for fun
@A Really Bad Goy also the "muh 10 inches " is funny when taking into account that the average african american man isnt even 6 inches lel
how do you know black dick sizes yo?
Two studies @touchmystuffIkillyou
One was of whites and blacks, other whites blacks and asians, both involved soley Americans
I would go into more detail but talking about dicks isnt something im that into lol , just thought its funny how untrue the muh dick thing is
Are you guys aware of the pro Trump event in Connecticut thats coming up? Antifa are planning on showing up
Talking about antifa, anyone from Boston or who knows about: Is this page serious?
It's in the <#277145382708969472> channel. They know. They probably planned it.
Boston Antifa is such a cringy page that I cannot even distinguish if they are shitposting or being serious
@mememaestro No, those are ourguys. It's trolling.
It was too cringy to be real, but the antifa autism cannot be ubderestimated
@mememaestro Its satire brah, tho ik antifa is so cringe as it is that it can be hard to distinguish fake antifa from the real thing lmao
@touchmystuffIkillyou nice we need as many people there as we can get
That is my point, antifa is so cringy that you cannot underestimate their autism
I don't really think they are blurred, if you bump into a page or someone the lines of irony are easily seen
The fact that on anarchists forums they declared the Boston rally to be a "humilating defeat for the Fascists " is making me wonder whether the average antifa is unironically and genuinely retarded
Just wanted to confirm if boston antifas ate radioactive material. Yeap, if was a terrible defeat, the police didn't let them execute their tactics of "lone-wolves" provoking
I watched the rally in the Tim Pool stream, he gave a great coverage of the rally. When the organiser were questioned about "Do you condemn antifas throwing bombs in peacefull rallies?" he tried to evade the question by giving premade answers
I watched the first 5 minutes of the conversation and then went to do other stuff, when I came back Tim stood questioning the guy and the 'organizer' was just repeating the same answer "Ah you know, We endorse violence for self-defense"
Like bro you fail to shutdown the rally itself, fail to drown out their speakers, fail to stop them from marching however many blocks, fail at producing greater numbers than the Right Wingers AND fail to put so much as a scratch on any rally attendee. Conclusion? HAHAH NATZEES BASHED HUMILIATING DEFEAT ..🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 😮
Honestly at this point starting to think ALL of antifa is some elaborate art project or some shit parodying leftist culture LMAO
the guy was "Ah they are nazis because of their confederate flag" "But you know that for a lot of people on the other side, the soviet were representing the same as the confederate flag for you. They starved people to death in Ukraine-" "Look, I didn't saw the soviet flag" "It's there" It was a HUGE RED FLAG "But you know, they have the Iron Cross flag there"
Don't try to understand them bro
They really are subhuman
Nah I don't. I live in a country were the establishment is either center-left of full retarded prog left (some autlefties here and there). It's an old tactic that you get used too
Not subhuman, they are just locked in a dead dream, milking a dead cow trying to resurrect it.
Nothing they say makes sense, literally only5 minutes of them talking is enough to show all the various inconsistencies and contradictions that their idealogy is filled with
"rich wannabe saviours of the workers, bashing the workers"
Lel, I always lol at how they jump and suckerpunch blue collar Trump supporters who are working class to the core
While they themselves are from upper middle class suburbs and go to UC Berkeley or some shit
All the while fighting for the Proletariat
Cognitive dissonance at its finest
I always theorised it with myself that their desire is to be poor of feel like they are poor.
Here they use a lable, don't know if it's common in US after the Trump victory, "right-wing poor" in the same weight as "deplorables"
"Oh my god why do you wanna work hard, preserve your local traditions? This are just MUH MEANS OF OPRESSUIM"