Message from @Kennedy
Discord ID: 582645178590953492
Don't send links
im scared 😦
i was told i would get nitro
I am Ghandi but ghandi not
i am jesus
Woahhh it's a ratttt
big porn lonks
wassup everybody
wassup my fellow african american
Hey, why is HH so sloooow?
I ghandi am a government lie
its a fucking rat @JohnMcReady
You posted a vid that is against Discord Terms of Service
Do not expect me to be merciful with a retard like you
cock n ball torture chat when
yeah but doesn't mean you have to be a rat
Надявам се семейството ви да умре от рак
i made a joke
Kennedy#7623 was hit with the Ban Hammer!
i made a joke
It does
bruh why is Discord fucking everything up
Do not break rules if you do not want to be ''ratted out''
Since Bronce is not doing anything bruh
ratted out
@JohnMcReady was it lolicon?
Jk he did delete it
@>w< it was a real life kid fucking a chicken
bans literally
dont work
lmao I saw that
I have seen that vid...
why this shit broke
my friend showed it to me