Message from @\\_lone_crow__\\
Discord ID: 583456154349207554
Das fine
18+24 =
🔨 <:wtf:581449283841294336>
Half your age +7 is the rule
what is the rule
Honor it
19 I guess
If her age is on the clock **she ready for the cock**
19 is the limit for me
I'm 7
Waifu is 99999 years old I saw her id
And if your age is an odd number, round down to the lower even
lexi youre fucking 5
@italialovesyou you are one smart 7 year old to get on discord
24 + 18
2 + 1 = 3
4 + 8 = 12
3 + 12 = 24
24 + 18 = 42
my math skill is bad <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112>
16"? what does 16 mean
@Marv thanks dad
Real dying hours
Alaska bro how is Australia?
Pretty good
if i can type at this speed how many message i can send at same time?
Wait so my gf shouldn't be 5
Driving down to wine country later
@italialovesyou that’s big brother <:smug3:299288528657973258>
Spend the weekend with some family friends
Or dead
darke send fucking feet pics <:gun:551518625966850048>
@Marv okay onii
Alaksa how isn't Australia?