Message from @Trolliburton

Discord ID: 584267869710319640

2019-06-01 06:31:22 UTC  


2019-06-01 06:31:22 UTC  

Rape uwu

2019-06-01 06:31:26 UTC  

Rape channel when?

2019-06-01 06:31:26 UTC  
2019-06-01 06:31:27 UTC  

Marvin obvs loves to rape

2019-06-01 06:31:32 UTC  

I've never done knife play but my gf wants to do you think I should?

2019-06-01 06:31:34 UTC  

Riesen we both 6ft tall bro

2019-06-01 06:31:35 UTC  

im like way taller riri b scared

2019-06-01 06:31:36 UTC  

now u cant say shit <:glasses:557417788398895106>

2019-06-01 06:31:38 UTC  

what is knife play

2019-06-01 06:31:42 UTC  


2019-06-01 06:31:43 UTC  

Hmm do you have steady hands?

2019-06-01 06:31:46 UTC  


2019-06-01 06:31:47 UTC  

We talking rape?

2019-06-01 06:31:51 UTC  

@Chocum whip out ye old dueling sword on her

2019-06-01 06:31:51 UTC  


2019-06-01 06:31:51 UTC  

Yee yee

2019-06-01 06:31:54 UTC  

uuuh I wouldn't be the one holding the knife

2019-06-01 06:31:54 UTC  

muno howd u get so tall wtf

2019-06-01 06:31:55 UTC  

When you get you dick stuck in the camp five oven

2019-06-01 06:31:55 UTC  

That's a bad thing

2019-06-01 06:31:58 UTC  

@Zombie how much do you weight>?

2019-06-01 06:31:59 UTC  

let's talk about nothing

2019-06-01 06:32:01 UTC  

that'd be her

2019-06-01 06:32:01 UTC  

Rape is good

2019-06-01 06:32:08 UTC  

Oh, well hmm only if you're comfortable with it

2019-06-01 06:32:09 UTC  

<:wtf:581449283841294336> @Wanheda

2019-06-01 06:32:10 UTC  

i grow 1in evry month

2019-06-01 06:32:18 UTC  


2019-06-01 06:32:18 UTC  

I wouldn't mind it personally but it depends on the person

2019-06-01 06:32:19 UTC  

Marvin can rape me whenever

2019-06-01 06:32:23 UTC  


2019-06-01 06:32:29 UTC  

@StarvinMarvin bro let me smash

2019-06-01 06:32:31 UTC  

Why are you measuring

2019-06-01 06:32:34 UTC  

Bean no

2019-06-01 06:32:38 UTC  

You're mexican

2019-06-01 06:32:39 UTC  


2019-06-01 06:32:40 UTC  

what is this with everyone wanting marvin to rape them when hes prolly the one who wanna get raped

2019-06-01 06:32:41 UTC  

i had a dream where we are human being

2019-06-01 06:32:41 UTC  

im 6,4 and 140lbs

2019-06-01 06:32:42 UTC  

I have a gif I want sauce for but I really don't feel comfortable posting it in the sauce finding channel <:wtf:581449283841294336>