Message from @Zombie
Discord ID: 584344383873089548
y wtf
smh my head
<:reeee:293299726361690112> <:Xmasmel:581460832031080468>
Discord has shit games so it wasn't worth $10 just to be boosting <:akashrug:304403453864706058>
yes it is
boost us
mafia 1 is pretty decent tho
No <:wtf:581449283841294336>
Ok then for a low low payment of 5$ a month Ill forgive you
But I'm happy you know who I am <:bigsmug:581449104102785026>
bruh discord has Indiana jones how could you not like it
TFW senpai remembers you <:nekogasm:262791717932105729>
Idek why they call the games tab the "nitro" tab when there's games in there you can get without nitro <:wtf:581449283841294336>
Discords gotta make money somehow
Always a good sign when windows firewall doesn't like your game
But it won't be from me <:bigsmug:581449104102785026>
I wouldnt like that either
But it's free
So I am trying it out
Mod chat hours? <:PogChamp:266832346953547776>
Oh goodie a battle pass in a .io game
And I was required to log in with Discord
big oof
Glad these guys have my login info
discord becoming a full production company when