Message from @(*^▽^*)
Discord ID: 589918945973108765
Hey some times you just wake up on the wrong foot and boom cereals and milk to the microwave
warm milk only if it comes out of a pp
That's the only way to eat them.
cereal milk is good
pp milk?
hey sometimes u just wake up on the wrong foot and step in lego and die
Cause, I'll do it if you ask nicely.
Mommy milk?<:peepog:584954252217155614>
skip the cereal part and just do it on me?
my dad made me
i think
no .w.
@Retardo he said blue name btw i am russian bro
Alright. Would you like dinner first, or are you a slut?
Sausage fight anyone?
that don't happen to me i don't live in a war zone
_drinks sandwich_
@Bluree me nohomo
@Alex I guess bro no homo , our battle will be legendary
Fox <a:animeahhhhh:563856449801814019>
Why two sets of ears?
@Bluree fr bro lets do big nohomo sausage fight
@Alex I guess hey
We love fox
@Emykinz hey
To hear your parents' disappointment twice-fold?
Fox for admin
<:thots:292591799158046720> <:peepog:584954252217155614>