Message from @maddenjohn40
Discord ID: 383591832065540096
walking around in hoodies and skull masks is literally heil hortler teir
They're bad because they're using a medium that is shaped and molded by niggers. They claim to hate blacks but they dress and act like them
not in "BASED Poland" it isn't
and if you actually clicked any of those videos you would realize they don't claim to hate blacks
it's about european brotherhood
i found it on a channel that collects nationalist music of all genres from all countries
>walking around in hoddies, sweatpants, acting like ghetto thugs is based
oh wow
yes, lets unite europe while looking like were about to rob a 7/11
>its all about brotherhood man, lets dress and act like thugs
this is why the left has dominated the music industry and popular culture for so long
(in addition to (((them))), i know)
but you faggots don't understand shit
the average person is apolitical
music is all about feels
you don't go out and nazi larp
but some nazi music is good for morale
good for the gym
and the shit i sent isn't nazi stuff anyways
who said they are thugs?
skull bandanas
music videos in ghettos
how do you imagine a race war?
anyways, ur right
they look like thugs
but if you ever got out of ur mom's basement and traveled
>we need to become just like the left to fight them
what a great idea
you'd realize eastern europe is ghetto
this is what we should look like
this is what we should encurage
not being 30 and looking like youre 14
not that skinhead garbage