Message from @maddenjohn40
Discord ID: 383592982349086720
the average joe doesent like thugs
and football hooligans
you know
most people have an ideal look they want to emulate, and its not one that makes them look like thugs and gangsters
at least not the people you want to influence
what looks more respectable?
who would you want to stand behind in a movement?
funny pics
but false dichotomy of course
>its just a dream and fantasy to want to look like a respectable and successful man with a healthy family
If wholesome 1950's era stuff is what everyone wants, then why don't you hear it anywhere?
you sound like a nigger tbh
look at the avatar
i am
*heh, i want to create a good traditional society but I still want to listen to rap, dress in sweatpants and hoodies and look like a skinhead*
>communists and kikes have had free reign in society for 60 years
>i wonder why most people don't want to emulate that anymore
nah, man. this is my problem with the alt right. i agree 100% that unifying the family is the way to go. we need traditionalism. but you guys live in a fantasy echochamber cuz you never actually date girls or do anything in the real world. you don't understand human nature. how many thirsty alt right faggots throw shekels at the eceleb trad thots who are unmarried while completely ignoring a true trad mormon mom with 10 kids (mother with a purpose)
to appeal to the masses you need some sprinkling of macho shit
for neews
we need nick fuentes in suits
> cuz you never actually date girls or do anything in the real world.
that's not macho you fucking idiot
that's a fucking criminal
but for music and art, it's foolish to think that
ask literally anyone and they'll laugh at ghetto thugs
its not macho
maybe in ghettos sure
but anyone outside of the ghettos