Message from @dad

Discord ID: 598212147440386051

2019-07-09 17:59:05 UTC  

Shinto is nice

2019-07-09 17:59:05 UTC  

@brandon666 alexa but it's jesus

2019-07-09 17:59:12 UTC  

Praise the sun

2019-07-09 17:59:32 UTC  

ive gone to temples but i still never understood Buddhism, maybe its bc i only speak english but my family doesnt

2019-07-09 17:59:34 UTC  

Mhkiller then explain this if theirs over 100 religions in the world and your claiming your religion the right one what make you so sure that it might be wrong think of the odds that would mean the other 99 are fale

2019-07-09 17:59:41 UTC  

Solaris 🙏

2019-07-09 17:59:46 UTC  

@Supersayain_nappa #hydrohomies

2019-07-09 17:59:50 UTC  

Bhuddism makes more sense than christianity

2019-07-09 17:59:59 UTC  

Life is suffering

2019-07-09 17:59:59 UTC  

i also grew up going to christian church which was once again, spanish so i didnt understand bc my family spoke spanish

2019-07-09 18:00:09 UTC  

If angels exist why they don't help me masturbate?

2019-07-09 18:00:11 UTC  

so i grew up around religion except never being told in english what it was lol

2019-07-09 18:00:13 UTC  

Where's mom?

2019-07-09 18:00:19 UTC  

@dad basically its just 'be nice to everyone' and cleaning ur mind.. idk kinda like yoga without doin yoga

2019-07-09 18:00:22 UTC  

@dad como va tu dia?

2019-07-09 18:00:44 UTC  

oh aw thats sweet all ik is my grandma has a shrine

2019-07-09 18:00:48 UTC  

Why not just be nice to everyone regardless <:thatsrightkiddo:274752888901730305>

2019-07-09 18:00:59 UTC  

my grandma has a shrine toooo

2019-07-09 18:01:15 UTC  

That's why we have satan

2019-07-09 18:01:17 UTC  

@ThatOneBean haha if my family taught me the language they speak id know what youre saying<a:SadGreenRoll:597880294024151040>

2019-07-09 18:01:30 UTC  

those shrines man those are serious business

2019-07-09 18:01:33 UTC  

I pray to Yato from Noragami

2019-07-09 18:01:33 UTC  

We need to play his role sometimes tho

2019-07-09 18:01:34 UTC  

@dad they didnt teach u any language?

2019-07-09 18:01:39 UTC  

How was your day

2019-07-09 18:01:41 UTC  

@dad we could've been talking mad shit

2019-07-09 18:01:46 UTC  

nope otherwise id be able to speak spanish and laos lol

2019-07-09 18:01:56 UTC  

oof :c

2019-07-09 18:02:08 UTC  

@ThatOneBean missed opportunity<:Megu:237037638320652290>

2019-07-09 18:02:15 UTC  


2019-07-09 18:02:31 UTC  


2019-07-09 18:02:32 UTC  

while my family is really religious, my parents chose not to teach me religion, instead they said that if I wanted to be christian or whatever they would be ok with it

2019-07-09 18:02:37 UTC  

just gonna save that here for later use

2019-07-09 18:02:42 UTC  

Whats that uwu

2019-07-09 18:02:56 UTC  

probably bc my parents werent around so i only learned english. my dad made me watch dora and thats pretty much it id say a few spanish words sometimes but eventually forgot them

2019-07-09 18:02:58 UTC  

my mom also doesnt care about my religion

2019-07-09 18:02:59 UTC  

puungi don't dump your credit card number here

2019-07-09 18:03:07 UTC  

well thats good

2019-07-09 18:03:15 UTC  

no puungi gimme the expiration and the civ

2019-07-09 18:03:18 UTC  

someone's user id maybe?

2019-07-09 18:03:22 UTC  

i mean my mom and my dad are buddhists but idk