Message from @aijec
Discord ID: 598654261349449739
Seriously though that’s almost as bad as the people who made etika memes after his death
Parry my fucking anti-EST you fucking casuals
@PUH PUH TIME watch the video called "the death of elisa lam"
you'll know it when you see it, its a shitty theory video but scary
@PUH PUH TIME etika in smash and his punchline thing says etika makes a splash
no dark jokes
That’s the one
no no no, I'll call the cops
Oh man did i have a gamer joke about that
🔫 uh no no dark jokes
Yeah this one wouldve been a nuke
Then there was one where they had the “GAME” screen over the Brooklyn bridge
Awe dark jokes are the best. Especially when you're in new crowd and take a shot in the *dark*
its still a dark joke
Can I make a white joke?
thats ok cuz its not racist
do pink jokes
Eggs cant tell jokes cause theyll crack up
+makes pink panther reference +
+furries start yiffing+
wait thats not a white joke thats a dad joke
What do you call a Forretress and a Dragonite combined?
Did Hentai Haven lay off some mod roles, I wonder
@PUH PUH TIME boooooo
okay yes go away
@PUH PUH TIME get off the stage!
Yeah, I noticed
dont know about the rest
Spare coochie?
@AnthonyDX ask ur mom