Message from @naz

Discord ID: 598703665104289802

2019-07-11 02:32:23 UTC  

@CelestialMorningLight im sorry dude gay month is over, its illegal to be gay now

2019-07-11 02:32:25 UTC  

Howdy fellas

2019-07-11 02:32:26 UTC  

It'd be pretty based tbh

2019-07-11 02:32:28 UTC  

No u

2019-07-11 02:32:38 UTC  

lol gay month is a joke at this point

2019-07-11 02:32:39 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:32:45 UTC  

it has always been

2019-07-11 02:32:48 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:32:56 UTC  

but y'know..
we're the homophobes here

2019-07-11 02:32:56 UTC  

bro, thats racist

2019-07-11 02:33:14 UTC  

That's transableist

2019-07-11 02:33:18 UTC  

i dont think internet rage culture really follows into the real world other than america

2019-07-11 02:33:31 UTC  

america is a joke for all media

2019-07-11 02:33:32 UTC  

i am not a homphobe i just dont like o- -o

2019-07-11 02:33:42 UTC  

but america doesnt have any better problems so thats why its a cesspool of rage culture idiots

2019-07-11 02:33:49 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:33:54 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:34:15 UTC  

Wait, that's illegal

2019-07-11 02:34:22 UTC  

how come?

2019-07-11 02:34:25 UTC  

someone used as an argument that "gays were put into camps by force so it's why pride month exists" type bullshit

2019-07-11 02:34:37 UTC  

yes the non-ranked are back

2019-07-11 02:34:40 UTC  

someone used as an argument that "gays were put into camps by force so it's why pride month exists" type bullshit

2019-07-11 02:34:51 UTC  

power to the people

2019-07-11 02:35:07 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:35:12 UTC  

i mean there are people that dont believe holocaust happened

2019-07-11 02:35:13 UTC  

pride month only existed so people can be proud of their sexuality, but it's a useless month

2019-07-11 02:35:15 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:35:17 UTC  

pride month exists because apparently it just has to

2019-07-11 02:35:23 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:35:34 UTC  

they should just put people in these camps during the pride month

2019-07-11 02:35:48 UTC  

veterans can't get a month, they only get a day, because gays, bi's, and trans are way more important to society then veterans ever were

2019-07-11 02:35:55 UTC  

*"the people"

2019-07-11 02:36:17 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:36:23 UTC  

im a lesbian but i honestly agree cuz like hhhhhhhh

2019-07-11 02:36:28 UTC  

so what everyone gets a month now is that what you're advocating?

2019-07-11 02:36:31 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:36:31 UTC  

Except for the homelessness problem, the 35,000 people every year that die from lack of medical care, the government being run by people who are being bribed, the rampant militarism, the crumbling infrastructure (that's somehow worse than Brazil's)... except for that and a whole host of other shit America has no problems

2019-07-11 02:36:55 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:36:59 UTC  

trump is not my president, because i live in sweden

2019-07-11 02:37:05 UTC  


2019-07-11 02:37:16 UTC