Message from @n00b

Discord ID: 598710614138814464

2019-07-11 03:00:38 UTC  

well fuck

2019-07-11 03:00:42 UTC  

hello n00b

2019-07-11 03:00:44 UTC  

**pedos are bad and you shoudnt fuck with them**

2019-07-11 03:00:47 UTC  


2019-07-11 03:00:50 UTC  

<:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112> <:reeee:293299726361690112>

2019-07-11 03:00:57 UTC  

are cursed tags banned on this server?

2019-07-11 03:00:57 UTC  

is there a reason why you haven't gotten a voice chat yet @n00b

2019-07-11 03:01:17 UTC  

I've been in the middle of a move

2019-07-11 03:01:19 UTC  

@n00b do you like sfw-loli?

2019-07-11 03:01:27 UTC  

Say no

2019-07-11 03:01:27 UTC  

and my internet is shit atm

2019-07-11 03:01:33 UTC  

say no man

2019-07-11 03:01:36 UTC  

@CykaCyka who TF are you

2019-07-11 03:01:37 UTC  

say no

2019-07-11 03:01:41 UTC  

Cursed tags are tags that are any combination of being a bannable offense, illegal in the first world, or just plain disgusting

2019-07-11 03:01:48 UTC  

some retard who's defending pedos for liking pedo content, aka loli porn @n00b

2019-07-11 03:02:00 UTC  

Any person who dares to legalize loli pron must be locked up and confined in a mental hospital for life

2019-07-11 03:02:01 UTC  

illegal in the first world wut

2019-07-11 03:02:06 UTC  


2019-07-11 03:02:09 UTC  

@n00b I'm the loli police searching for illegal shit to report

2019-07-11 03:02:13 UTC  

another pedo I gotta purge like the rest

2019-07-11 03:02:21 UTC  


2019-07-11 03:02:27 UTC  

Exterminate it

2019-07-11 03:02:28 UTC  

No witch hunitng please, it's gonna get akwards

2019-07-11 03:02:30 UTC  

@n00b I need to know if you're clean

2019-07-11 03:02:48 UTC  

like my spelling

2019-07-11 03:02:50 UTC  


2019-07-11 03:02:53 UTC  

I'm a fucking mod

2019-07-11 03:03:01 UTC  

what makes you think otherwise

2019-07-11 03:03:04 UTC  

His tags check out

2019-07-11 03:03:13 UTC  


2019-07-11 03:03:19 UTC  

don't listen to him he's a retard @n00b

2019-07-11 03:03:20 UTC  

his profile pic too i wouldnt fuck with him

2019-07-11 03:03:26 UTC  

@n00b bc you're still human

2019-07-11 03:03:32 UTC  

lol what?

2019-07-11 03:03:37 UTC  

humans have weird fetishes

2019-07-11 03:03:38 UTC  


2019-07-11 03:03:47 UTC  


2019-07-11 03:03:53 UTC  

@n00b Dont fall for their lie!

Aight everyone settle down <:rubycry:508979253396897794>

2019-07-11 03:03:57 UTC  

It's important to understand that you can have a fetish without subjecting others to it on the internet