Message from @Tech Talk

Discord ID: 305453754784808971

2017-04-20 19:10:24 UTC  

Remember, the president is on the left, even though the right maybe a better presidential choice ;)

2017-04-20 19:37:56 UTC  

Oh my he's actually written something other than an emoji or links

2017-04-20 19:53:01 UTC  

"RCMP intercepts 1,860 people entering country from U.S. in first three months of 2017"

2017-04-21 12:29:38 UTC  

@Towelie Im a little late to this party now, but I had formed my own opinion actually

2017-04-21 12:34:39 UTC  

@revolver schnozelot and I said that you'd have a much better understanding about the political situation and the proper tools to form your own opinion when you will be working full-time, pay your taxes, understand how much it cost to get your children some education, the hospital fees, etc.

2017-04-21 12:36:11 UTC  

Ok? Well Im forming one right now, lets see if that changes

2017-04-21 12:36:28 UTC  

It probably will change just with age and experience

2017-04-21 12:37:30 UTC  

and that's kinda stupid because right now, your opinion is only based on what you think instead of what you know.

2017-04-21 12:38:14 UTC  

not that it matter a lot to me. I'm just giving you some food for thoughts

2017-04-21 12:41:45 UTC  

Don't take it too badly but at the moment you're just a sheep repeating your entourage's opinion. Read, inform yourself, finish your studies and find a work, you'd have a better grasp of the situation ^^" .

2017-04-21 12:44:57 UTC  

I know it might sound condescending and I'm sorry if you feel it that way. I'm just talking from my own experience. Your opinion right now has a lot of bias because you have no idea of what it's like to do, pay, etc all this yourself

2017-04-22 18:07:18 UTC  

wow that plane looks fucking stupid lmao

2017-04-22 18:07:26 UTC  

it looks like a sausage

2017-04-22 18:59:36 UTC  

hey anyone working for american airlines wans 3 million dollars to throw some people out of the plane

2017-04-22 18:59:45 UTC  

trying to get the company out of business lol

2017-04-23 15:05:42 UTC  

who fucking cares

2017-04-23 15:05:51 UTC  

canada isn't gonna do shit lol

2017-04-23 15:06:37 UTC  

if putin decides to release thirty tons of shit on Trudau's house all that twat will be able to say is how dissapointed he is

2017-04-23 15:06:58 UTC  

if he doesn't choke in the shit

2017-04-23 15:08:00 UTC  

would you not be disappointed if putin did the same to you?

2017-04-23 15:13:04 UTC  

that's not really the point

2017-04-23 15:21:15 UTC  

I'd be pretty disappointed

2017-04-23 15:21:37 UTC  

I'd ring him up and say "I can't believe you've done this"

2017-04-24 13:42:31 UTC  

So, nobody talks about how trump signed another bill that makes ISP able to sell your browsing history ?

2017-04-24 14:05:18 UTC  

@Towelie Article?

2017-04-24 14:14:53 UTC  

it's not really recent as it's few weeks old but I find it funny that the only reason that bill was voted was because ISP would have been put to a disavantage against society like Google or Facebook. While you're free to use Google or Facebook service or not, and protect your privacy this way, your ISP browsing data concern everything you do on internet if you don't pay for an anonymous VPN / Proxy.

2017-04-24 14:18:30 UTC  

It also has nothing to do with national security or whatnot because US agencies like the FBI, CIA, etc already have access to your browsing history via several laws that makes them able to request those informations to your ISP.

2017-04-24 14:21:01 UTC  

so the US ISP will makes billions off your personal informations they got for free and you have to agree with that or pay for a foreign service to protect your privacy.

2017-04-24 15:31:14 UTC  

what if you live in that country that's inside of a US state and isn't part of the US 🤔

2017-04-24 17:41:07 UTC  

example ?

2017-04-24 17:41:29 UTC  

I don't think there's a country inside a US state that's not part of the US ?