Message from @Homu H.

Discord ID: 274370460680978444

2017-01-27 02:43:09 UTC  

there's a misunderstanding it seems

2017-01-27 02:43:27 UTC  

by "don't give lenghty lectures" I meant NONE

2017-01-27 02:44:07 UTC  

Well thankfully I live in a more civilized country

2017-01-27 02:45:06 UTC  

Hey homu I don't know where you are getting these ideas from but I go to university also and towelie would most definately not be fucked in every country in the world

2017-01-27 02:45:35 UTC  

If he didn't provide back up for his claims? He'd be fucked up anywhere

2017-01-27 02:45:44 UTC  

He's presenting an argument to me

2017-01-27 02:45:51 UTC  

He made a claim in it

2017-01-27 02:46:01 UTC  

He should be ready to back it up if needed

2017-01-27 02:46:10 UTC  

I asked for a source

2017-01-27 02:46:11 UTC  

students that involve themselves in their studies and search how to do stuff by themselves, get their own sources, etc are way more able to retain information and remember it. If they fail, we tells them why and how they failed

2017-01-27 02:46:14 UTC  

Bam, that time is now

2017-01-27 02:46:36 UTC  

if you think it's uncivilized, it's all good

2017-01-27 02:47:00 UTC  

Yes, and then those students provide their arguments with sources to back themselves up

2017-01-27 02:47:05 UTC  

Which you neglected to do

2017-01-27 02:47:38 UTC  

I personally don't care for their sources and it wouldn't change their notes

2017-01-27 02:47:55 UTC  

i'm not teaching philosophy

2017-01-27 02:48:11 UTC  

Well then I'm glad I don't study under you, because you're truly setting people up for failure that way

2017-01-27 02:48:16 UTC  

No, because he isn't presenting it to you. What you don't realise is your opinion is not important enough to do any work towards swaying it. You are not the greater public, you are not a professor to which towlelie is presenting his work. You are just a random, to do work towards informing you is a stupid expectation. Any fucking sane person would expect you to be able to just do your own research to either refute his claim if you want or to realise it's truth. The burden of proof is not on him because he isn't actually trying to prove anything.

2017-01-27 02:49:31 UTC  

Also Homu, you don't know anything about computer science so you have no idea wether or not that mindset is good for computer science students.

2017-01-27 02:49:36 UTC  

But it is, because he's making a claim that he expects me to take as truth without further backing it up. Even if I'm just a random person, he is still presenting his argument to me, and thus the rules should still apply

2017-01-27 02:50:15 UTC  

Not only *should* they still apply, but they *do* still apply

2017-01-27 02:50:29 UTC  

No, he doesn't expect you to take it as a truth, he just fucking expects you to become aware of your own accord or reject it.

2017-01-27 02:50:50 UTC  

Ok then, I reject it because he didn't give a source

2017-01-27 02:51:00 UTC  

I said that earlier too

2017-01-27 02:51:19 UTC  

You realise it is possible to do your own research right?

2017-01-27 02:51:37 UTC  

Yes, but he made the claim, and I asked for a source

2017-01-27 02:52:04 UTC  

⭐ Burden of Proof ⭐

2017-01-27 02:52:18 UTC  

Who gives a shit what you asked for? You can find it yourself? You just seem entitled.

2017-01-27 02:52:54 UTC  

to be fair @Chaos , my mindset is a bit special about all this, only the result really matter in my area. In mathematic you might get some points to apply the proper function or something even if the result is false. I do care if you applied a proper algorithm for a problem, but if the result was fucked up, all you get from me is a big fat zero nonethless...

2017-01-27 02:53:19 UTC  

dude homu, if someone asked for a source for every claim you ever made you'd fail to give most of them.

2017-01-27 02:54:02 UTC  

you might get some point if you reinvented a squared wheel and the result is correct though

2017-01-27 02:54:48 UTC  

There aren't any rules though

2017-01-27 02:56:06 UTC  

For someone who is awfully logically inconsistent and makes use of semantically incorrect language constantly you really seem hung up on some really specific expectation of logical argument.

2017-01-27 02:56:45 UTC  


2017-01-27 02:57:07 UTC  

Don't expect that insult to hold much weight without any examples.

2017-01-27 02:58:04 UTC  

lol, I didn't expect all this to escalate this much...

2017-01-27 03:01:27 UTC  

btw, homu since you look like you love sources, I fail to see how my students are a failure:

2017-01-27 03:02:23 UTC  

of course that's an opiniated source, but I provided one, can I have a cookie ? 😄

2017-01-27 03:02:41 UTC  

You constantly use appeal to ignorance, you also often use circular reasoning, like right now actually where you are all "you have to because that is the rules", your arguments are riddled with ad hominem you often make use of equivocation to change your arguments afterwards. Right now your argument is a false dilemma.

2017-01-27 03:06:18 UTC  

Also, Homu when you make claim that towelie is wrong because he does not prove his position with a source, you are shifting the burden of proof without realising that your position also is undefined to be true or false. You make an argument from ignorance.