Message from @Rael
Discord ID: 507783231874138136
Simple , I'm looking for a submissive, playful , sexy Slut. You need to do all that I say and obey all that I tell you to do. I'm looking for a slut for this weekend . You need to be curvy , Big boobs are a must and very eager and willing to please. I love giving oral and receiving as well. I'm athletic and in great SEXUAL shape, If you a submissive cumswallowing whore , who likes getting your pussy sucked and nibbled on and have an interest in getting a load shot down your throat, a load shot deep into your moist pussy and a hot thick load shot into your ASS. Then contact me , Put ' red rubber super ball" in the subject line and i will respond. looking forward to cumming in you.
I WILL only respond to REAL reponses
.yt dum maaro dum 70s
honestly I'm attractive
I'm good looking
I drive a nice car
the supreme gentleman is eternal
because you haven't won the lottery
Should have found himself a fellow happa
Honestly I just know the next time is the one
get your hopes up
When I visit home and I hear my whore sister getting fucked by her bf
It’s foolish
she's 16 and already on her knees opening her legs to chad
I'm 22 and I'm still a pathetic virgin
why is life so unfair
he demoted gordon too
geist can you tell kirk to chill
fuck off off starscream
kirk is offline
when he gets back on
he's just stirring up unnecessary problems
yeah i'll tell him to chill
it's a shit color and its hard on my beautiful eyes
kirk unmodded tom too even though tom was only in hercs server to snitch
Kirks going a little tough
stupid dumb genome brown scum
i know smirnoff, the autism is too mcuh
I only fell down and got a little mud on me
shut up genome
let my true colors shine through