Message from @fallen angel
Discord ID: 332556877378486272
They basically did it to break a sanction
>the anti-nazi boycott
>of any significance
It wasn't because they weren't dehumanizing Jews as animals or anything
Literal bullshit lmao
All it was proof of was that the kikes wanted Hitler gone since day one
>first five popular ideologies are authoritarian
why anticom
Fuck off lolbergtard
Go back to plebbit
>dehumanizing jews as animals
Fuck off, i am not from reddit
Holy kek how much wikipedia did you OD on
Stupid nazi
Go back
We don't welcome lolbergtardians here
what is lolbergtardian even
i took 4 wikipedias
>most popular ideologies are natsoc and fascism
was out cold for 2 days
>really makes me think
but they just aren't working
And their economic methods both leftist
>le hitler was a marxist socialist meme
NEWSFLASH: Look up prussian socialism
If Hitler was a leftist
Then I'm a leftist
Not marxist socialist, but his economic was more left than modern social-democratic economies
they are left
Economic policies were left while social policies were right
What did he privatized, huh?
Any left policies are bad
Hitler was the ultimate centrist
tbh hitler was better at social than economic policy but that doesnt make him a leftist
I don't trust words, especially Hitler's
>i don't trust the words of the person who made the ideology