Message from @Rael
Discord ID: 509435989588967424
well worth a watch
wew thanks
stop @'ing everybody nobody fucking cares
faggot trap
@Namal Lil Mawt where is that from
pretty based video right?
yeah it's a trip
based mauna kea telescopes
stay safe guys
theres some scary motherfuckers out there
we have a disabled student in class
let me call on her
so that you can all laugh at her
Snap a pic on the low
Look at these cool kids
kirk have you gone to vote yet
Just went
Voted for Jeff dehl
And voted no on all 3 mass questions
And for all the rep house people
I could
139 hours into no nut November
still no gf
stay tuned for updates
I also voted for the rep candidates for shit I dont ecen know what they do