Message from @Ray

Discord ID: 529180177989894154

2018-12-31 06:10:47 UTC  

to make them "behave"

2018-12-31 06:10:53 UTC  

Yes, encouraging others to reject secular police states is a sin

2018-12-31 06:10:59 UTC  

it's not enough for many

2018-12-31 06:11:11 UTC  

so laws and jail were enforced along with it

2018-12-31 06:11:32 UTC  


2018-12-31 06:11:36 UTC  

and penalties

2018-12-31 06:11:41 UTC  

What if people take it a step too far and when the laws don’t align perfectly with religion, they blow up the laws

2018-12-31 06:11:59 UTC  

That’s when religion gets awesome

2018-12-31 06:12:00 UTC

2018-12-31 06:12:01 UTC  

religion and laws don't have to align necessarily

2018-12-31 06:12:04 UTC  

@Double Negative this better?

2018-12-31 06:12:09 UTC  

faggot is fun to say

2018-12-31 06:12:11 UTC  

but generally they will follow the same guidelines

2018-12-31 06:12:24 UTC  


2018-12-31 06:12:27 UTC  

laws are generally agreed upon by the populace in most cases

2018-12-31 06:12:28 UTC  

trying to do this

2018-12-31 06:12:28 UTC

2018-12-31 06:12:28 UTC  

nah i like the colours in the original more

2018-12-31 06:12:32 UTC  

oh ok

2018-12-31 06:12:56 UTC  

breaking and entering, public drunkenness, violence, etc

2018-12-31 06:13:06 UTC  

shit that would be a nuisance to the community

2018-12-31 06:13:22 UTC  

then there's the laws that were dreamed up for the benefit of the state

2018-12-31 06:14:48 UTC  


2018-12-31 06:15:39 UTC

2018-12-31 06:16:21 UTC  

All nukes distinguish between good and bad people, it's just that all people are bad

2018-12-31 06:16:41 UTC  

Im 14 and this is deep

2018-12-31 06:17:41 UTC  

How old are you really?

2018-12-31 06:17:43 UTC  

Im 14 and this is deep

2018-12-31 06:17:46 UTC  

im 14

2018-12-31 06:17:48 UTC  


2018-12-31 06:17:55 UTC  

i also joined this server last month

2018-12-31 06:17:57 UTC  

so im kinda new

2018-12-31 06:18:02 UTC  


2018-12-31 06:18:07 UTC  

treat me nicely, im new

2018-12-31 06:18:58 UTC  


2018-12-31 06:19:06 UTC  

I’ve a middle aged fag

2018-12-31 06:19:29 UTC  

Too new to be considered an oldfag or original member, but too old to be considered new

2018-12-31 06:19:49 UTC

2018-12-31 06:19:51 UTC  

how's this

2018-12-31 06:20:18 UTC  

use the higher res version

2018-12-31 06:20:22 UTC