Message from @amsalem

Discord ID: 523639387850801172

2018-12-15 23:13:27 UTC  

You're an autistic retard who should've be left unsupervised in the ballpit let alone anywhere else

2018-12-15 23:13:29 UTC  

alright trollers

2018-12-15 23:13:33 UTC  

lets get trolling

2018-12-15 23:13:41 UTC  

That you are

2018-12-15 23:13:45 UTC  

hop on mw2 and add me on xbl

2018-12-15 23:13:57 UTC  

@Grim Creeper I'm not denying it

2018-12-15 23:14:08 UTC  

Fucking jew

2018-12-15 23:14:14 UTC  

My dad trusts me enough to take me shooting and shit

2018-12-15 23:14:15 UTC  

I can be a dick to people with no apparent reason. Yes.

2018-12-15 23:14:19 UTC  

my gamertag is XxX_CH1LD~R4P3R_XxX

2018-12-15 23:14:23 UTC

2018-12-15 23:14:32 UTC  

add me xbl and accept my lobby invite

2018-12-15 23:14:36 UTC  

we trolling mw2

2018-12-15 23:14:37 UTC  

You. Tff .lliam. Kirk sometimes

2018-12-15 23:15:06 UTC  

@Ave ad Dominum i like that you are improving

2018-12-15 23:15:10 UTC

2018-12-15 23:15:13 UTC  

but dont put your fucking real name on discord

2018-12-15 23:15:14 UTC  

you nigger

2018-12-15 23:15:31 UTC

2018-12-15 23:15:45 UTC  

Amsalem, I want you to know that despite my trolling and how much I hate Jews because a Jew was mean to me as a young child, I have nothing personal against you

2018-12-15 23:15:58 UTC  

Fuck off honestly

2018-12-15 23:15:59 UTC  

What should my username be then

2018-12-15 23:16:11 UTC  

heres a starter

2018-12-15 23:16:12 UTC  

Fine. Fuck you

2018-12-15 23:16:15 UTC  

not your fucking irl name

2018-12-15 23:16:22 UTC  

That's better @Ave ad Dominum

2018-12-15 23:16:27 UTC  

Change it to uhhh

2018-12-15 23:16:31 UTC  

Jake Howard

2018-12-15 23:17:01 UTC

2018-12-15 23:17:09 UTC  


2018-12-15 23:17:17 UTC  

Outer heaven meeting 2018

2018-12-15 23:17:28 UTC  

You know what, amsalem can fuck the fuck off

2018-12-15 23:17:34 UTC  


2018-12-15 23:17:36 UTC  

I should’ve never been nice to you

2018-12-15 23:17:39 UTC  


2018-12-15 23:17:41 UTC  

I don’t like you

2018-12-15 23:17:42 UTC  

are those real?

2018-12-15 23:17:44 UTC  


2018-12-15 23:17:46 UTC  

the shirts

2018-12-15 23:17:46 UTC  


2018-12-15 23:17:47 UTC  
