Message from @FAKs
Discord ID: 512696813715718154
its blue for me
Its gold
if it's white and gold for you
And white
you have eye damage
i dare someone to fuck me haha
change your monitor settings
Im on phone
show me pics
that explains everything
Seriously i even zoom in on pixels its gold and white
Do rgb values
hes dutch
@Mazianni monitor settings my dude
Im on phone
he is dutch and doesnt smonk wed
i used the colour picker and its blue
I know one thing about israel.
It isn't rael
Is flirting cheating
when you try to appetite urself for meat
it's cheating
Is it cheating if it's a long distance relationship I was forced into
You didn't get cucked by tyrone, she cucked you.
She made the choice to cuck you.
I'm the one flirting with other girls you twat
Are you being blackpilled
tom is watching hentai on vc
I'm just in a weird ldr with a girl I see every 2 weeks that I don't even love
you can hear it