Message from @Camil
Discord ID: 567347594905387011
Clown world boys
@GGPL do you have the clown outer heaven logo?
give me a seccond
its in staff chat
There is no right or wrong, there is no such thing as "rights", there is only the right to do what thou wilt or must. Do what you got to do to secure the existence of your being and preserve your humanity.
The pigs in charge, must of whom are Jews (which are descendants of canaan) have alienated our right to will. Most people aren't people, but rather fleshy shells that once housed souls.
All they want is more and more, gluttony, they're pigs and whores.
ok redpilled
Truth is higher than any religion. Atheists, however, are the biggest fools. They're the most pious people. They reject god, but adhere to abrahamic dogmas, and use the rigid moral structure to strengthen their views.
I blame the system itself. The rigid and dogmatic structures of society that alienate wilt. Which wilt is the only true right.
If we can't practice wilt, than we aren't humans.
blame agraculture
this nigga just disarmed a guy with a machete by walking at him
wheat is a fuck 157,383,840 dead crops
"The world I've chosen for my own is one you'll never know".
pretty extreme thumbnail
It's GG.
what gg uh
Sometimes I get arctic monkeys phases
He was a rock musician born by the name "Jesus Christ" to schizo parents who thought he was the second coming. He lived his childhood in seclusion in the forests of New Hampshire without electricity or running water. He got the name "GG" because his older brother couldn't pronounce "Jesus" and called him "gg".
Most call him a degenerate for what he did, but I call him a genius.
that's dope
sounds like a good time
He lived beyond the realms of pain and pleasure, he lived for the moment. The world was his enemy, and rock and roll was his terroristic weapon. And he oh so terrorized the world.
He was an envoy of satan, a true anarchist. A rebel.
I wanna be a rockstar
He considered women an inferior sex. He believed in the abolition of the system and economy, a future without moral constraint, and a society based upon evolutionary competition.
He despised Abrahamism, conservatism, democracy, established systems of authority, etc.
we need to fuck kids I agree
He considered a savaged beast and an animal. And he knew that there can't be any laws or limits in rock and roll.