Message from @a panguin

Discord ID: 706322585314525324

2020-05-03 01:52:16 UTC  

My dissidence goes punished

2020-05-03 01:52:18 UTC  

I wish

2020-05-03 01:52:18 UTC  

You're not exactly convincing any single one of us
You're not providing a solid logical argument
You're attacking members
And refuse to defend your positions when someone challenges them

2020-05-03 01:52:22 UTC  

> Gulag for me boys

Just kill Stalin and you can come back

2020-05-03 01:52:23 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:52:28 UTC  

I seriously can't see you winning here

2020-05-03 01:52:29 UTC  

Not dissidence, just stupidity

2020-05-03 01:52:38 UTC  

"I wish you went to a gulag"

Violent bastard arent we

2020-05-03 01:52:46 UTC  

"Durrr stupid "

2020-05-03 01:52:46 UTC  

Then enlighten us

2020-05-03 01:52:48 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:52:50 UTC

2020-05-03 01:52:55 UTC  

Extremely violent yes

2020-05-03 01:52:55 UTC  

It's an oof from me bois

2020-05-03 01:53:04 UTC  

Lol. As all commies are

2020-05-03 01:53:07 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:53:18 UTC  

Because you need it to force people to give up their labor

2020-05-03 01:53:23 UTC  

If you're not capable of extreme violence you're harmless

2020-05-03 01:53:23 UTC  

Like cowardly theives

2020-05-03 01:53:31 UTC  

If I had it my may all conservatives and anyone who holds conservative ideology would be burned to death

2020-05-03 01:53:47 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:53:57 UTC  

Conservativism is the single greatest threat to human survival that has ever existed

2020-05-03 01:54:07 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:54:10 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:54:11 UTC  

It is the core cause of every major tragedy in human history

2020-05-03 01:54:23 UTC  

Well I guess it's good furries and communist are bad at maintaining power.

2020-05-03 01:54:27 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:54:29 UTC  

The "Fuck you I got mine" of the world absolutely need to die

2020-05-03 01:54:34 UTC  


2020-05-03 01:54:37 UTC  

Dress like an animal, be put to sleep like one

2020-05-03 01:54:42 UTC  

Shouldn't you be off fucking a dog or something?

2020-05-03 01:54:57 UTC  

"I'm a loser give me your shit or the state will shoot you"

2020-05-03 01:54:57 UTC  

And again, all you can do is fall back on "COMMY BAD FURRY BAD"

2020-05-03 01:55:00 UTC  

Back to the whole American intervention
The Red Russians fought against the white Russians and due to a whole web of stuff happening the reds won
Then due to an unsustainable market structure, over extension and horrible international and internal politics it broke up@Silverfang

2020-05-03 01:55:11 UTC  

@Silverfang I've provided why you're ammoral

2020-05-03 01:55:21 UTC  

"Conservatism" was originally to protect the natural part of the American states in an era of rapid industrialization and destruction of nature

2020-05-03 01:55:36 UTC  

> And again, all you can do is fall back on "COMMY BAD FURRY BAD"

As if degens deserve any sympathy lmfao

2020-05-03 01:55:43 UTC  

And you've only proved that by stating intent to silence people who disagree with you state mandated extortion

2020-05-03 01:55:48 UTC  

Then every single communist bloc country came about due to after ww2 the great powers sat down and carved up Europe allowing a Soviet sphere of influence due to, you guessed it Soviet interference

2020-05-03 01:55:48 UTC  

Killing em all sounds kinda non-eudaimonic to me

2020-05-03 01:56:01 UTC