Message from @ZEN9TH
Discord ID: 502557552232628235
it's not low res
kork said so when we were talking about it a few days ago
your computer is low res
@Alibaba how did u get big picture
I made it
😜 🖐🏻
>autism weaponized
>markiplier fanart
you can do !serverinfo in <#484795615285477397> for logo
@Rael thaaaaaaaaank you finallyyyyyyy
it aint full res but it works i guess
i remember there being a better way
@Rael i dont really play osrs
i just like the fish bro
im sorry
How are you lads doing today
@chicanon hi buddy
@ZEN9TH jojo friday when?
friday you tard
imagine paying 200 $ for a tf2 hat
@MrPlaid for me it was saturday last week
@itssakamoto recheck <#484795615285477397>
@Gordon Frohman hunt down the FROHMAN
i got it
not a png but it works
yt hunt down the frohman
I watched a gmod made synopsis of hunt down the freeman yesterday
[itssakamoto:8682] hunt down the frohman
it was pretty funny
yt hunt down free man gmod