Message from @r/China • YAGPDB

Discord ID: 554862540627116032

2019-03-11 20:44:44 UTC  

**Electric Sockets in China?**
*by RedDreadsComin (<>)*
For travel in China, do I need socket converters? I’ve done some googling but it’s all talking in volts and the pictures are inconsistent from each website I look at. And can I get converters in China, or do I need to handle that beforehand?

2019-03-11 20:57:28 UTC  

**what is the best way to go to china as a student?**
*by Savings_Reputation (<>)*
I would love to visit china when im in college to practice chinese and maybe do an internship at a chinese company or else just spend some time in a chinese college, whats the best way to do this?. also is it hard to get into a chinese college as...

2019-03-11 21:10:40 UTC  

**China Unscripted Podcast Ep. 25 - The Traveling Dukes**
*by bongoshaftsburry (<>)*

2019-03-11 21:11:42 UTC  

**In 2001, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il imitated Deng Xiaoping’s 1992 “Southern Tour,” the Chinese leader’s reaffirmation of the economic reforms undertaken a decade before with visits to the special economic zones established in southern China**
*by thepresident45 (<>)*

2019-03-11 21:14:43 UTC  
2019-03-11 21:14:43 UTC  
2019-03-11 21:43:32 UTC  

**Does anyone know what this says? I have had this pair for like half a year but still haven't found out what it says.**
*by AteWeed (<>)*

2019-03-11 21:46:28 UTC  

**China’s electric cars are government spies**
*by rieslingatkos (<>)*

2019-03-11 21:46:52 UTC  

**Anyone have experience unlocking prepaid phones in China?**
*by JonnyRotsLA (<>)*
I'm going to China for a job. You can always find guys to unlock phones. But this on is an unwrapped and locked prepaid phone, which may be trickier. Is it even possible to unlock and use it? Anybody had experience with it?

2019-03-11 22:24:31 UTC  

**China Unscripted Podcast Ep. 25 - The Traveling Dukes**
*by bongoshaftsburry (<>)*

2019-03-11 22:28:14 UTC  

**Chinese gamer explains what 5000 years of civilization gets you online**
*by fojiaotu (<>)*

2019-03-11 22:51:09 UTC  

**Trump's China scandal: An entire new wave of sleaze and corruption surfaces in Florida: Cindy Yang founded the "day spa"; Yang donated to the GOP; Yang connected to the CCP's United Front Work Department.**
*by SE_to_NW (<>)*

2019-03-12 00:29:42 UTC  

**Mars Society President, Dr. Robert Zubrin, to Visit China in March.**
*by EdwardHeisler (<>)*

2019-03-12 00:31:20 UTC  

**"€˜Tibetans and Uyghurs not accepted"€™: Apple supplier probes hiring discrimination**
*by HKKNNT (<>)*

2019-03-12 01:30:20 UTC  

*by definitelynotheopera (<>)*

2019-03-12 01:38:30 UTC  

**In the 1980s, North Korea briefly experimented with Chinese-style reforms. Hua Guofeng, the Chinese leader who had made this agreement to support North Korea economically, lost out in a power struggle and the agreement was canceled**
*by thepresident45 (<>)*

2019-03-12 02:44:15 UTC  
2019-03-12 03:05:38 UTC  

**Four Years on: The Whereabouts of the ‘Feminist Five’ and the Sustainability of Feminist Activism in China**
*by Gardener-of-the-East (<>)*

2019-03-12 03:06:38 UTC  

**Can someone explain the "sleeping late is bad for your organs" bullshit? (Long rant)**
*by JasonYoungblood (<>)*
In my job, I start and finish late, so I tend to go to bed and get up late. Today's the earliest I've been up in a while.

Yesterday the topic of sleep was one of the lessons, and once again, the students told me that even thought they


2019-03-12 03:16:57 UTC  

**Gordon Chang was right! China Fakes its GDP!**
*by XitlerDadaJinping (<>)*

2019-03-12 04:01:45 UTC  

**Movin to Chongqing - some advices would be nice**
*by zarejare (<>)*
Hi everyone,

I am moving to Chongqing in month or two. As a person who is addicted to the internet services that are banned in China it would be nice to hear some experience from you. Searching on google that most restricted vpn uses are is Chong...

2019-03-12 04:13:29 UTC  

**Huawei connects rural America. Could it threaten US...**
*by Curoe (<>)*

2019-03-12 04:26:53 UTC  

**How and why did the Northern Territory sell the Darwin Port to China, and at what risk?**
*by TheDark1 (<>)*

2019-03-12 04:35:40 UTC  

**Why Alibaba Gave Up On U.S. Consumers**
*by aerowindwalker (<>)*

2019-03-12 04:43:09 UTC  

**How China's Economic Slowdown Is Rippling Around the Region**
*by aerowindwalker (<>)*

2019-03-12 05:00:39 UTC  

**Chinese people have a message for US President Donald Trump**
*by aerowindwalker (<>)*

2019-03-12 05:02:49 UTC  

**The new scramble for Africa | Chinese global impact**
*by aerowindwalker (<>)*

2019-03-12 06:21:20 UTC  

**China Threat to Telecoms Cited in EU Parliament Draft Resolution: worry over "5G equipment developed by Chinese companies with backdoors allowing manufacturers and authorities access to private and personal data from EU"**
*by SE_to_NW (<>)*

2019-03-12 06:21:57 UTC  

**"Don't do it" in Chinglish**
*by alen1986 (<>)*

2019-03-12 06:49:44 UTC  

**Beautiful China**
*by fancyeast_com (<>)*
Traveling to China is a great experience, I feel lucky and hope to go to more places.Thanks for [Fancyeast]('s help!



[ The Im...

2019-03-12 07:03:38 UTC  

**US warns Germany a Huawei deal could hurt intelligence ties**
*by cravenraven888 (<>)*
BBC News - US 'warns Germany a Huawei deal could hurt intelligence sharing'

2019-03-12 07:56:37 UTC  
2019-03-12 07:58:32 UTC  

**Which problems Chinese Workers get outside their country while working abroad?**
*by itundavideo (<>)*
I am creating a portal for Chinese who goes working abroad, and I am thinking of which features should come first to resolve the problem they get when they are living, mostly targeting those living. What problem this portal should resolve to the a...

2019-03-12 08:11:21 UTC  

**Long shot but japanese language books in bookstores?**
*by Bluenette (<>)*
The title sounds silly I admit but I want to know if there are any bookstores I can check for japanese language books? In our country, the bookstores virtually don't carry them and the only way is to buy it from resellers or shipping them in yours...

2019-03-12 08:13:24 UTC  

**Who is your favorite Chinese author/s and which is your favorite book from China?**
*by takeitchillish (<>)*
Who is your favorite Chinese author/s and which is your favorite book?

2019-03-12 08:42:38 UTC  

**Where have the Chinese public intellectuals gone? - Diggit Magazine**
*by IELMBE (<>)*