Message from @r/China • YAGPDB

Discord ID: 555613458054250497

2019-03-13 22:29:46 UTC  

**Build new global alliances to limit China’s ‘illicit practices’, US senators urged**
*by Anonyonise (<>)*

2019-03-13 22:30:09 UTC  

**1.5 Million Muslims Are In China’s Camps — Scholar**
*by Anonyonise (<>)*

2019-03-13 22:34:14 UTC  

**Political map of China with pinyin pronunciation?**
*by gorilophrenia (<>)*
Hello, I'm new at Reddit and my english is not so good.
I'm searching a Political map of China with cities and provinces named in pinyin pronunciation. I want to learn about chinese geography but I don't know read chinese characters yet. I can ...

2019-03-13 23:25:28 UTC  

**Hi /r/China, I'd like your help on a research project I'm doing about the Gaokao**
*by 4researchProject_ (<>)*
TL;DR, How people usually prepare for the gaokao ?

Hi everyone,

I'm a College student from Argentina and for a class we have to investigate college admissions around the world ,how people prepare for them , how much time is dedicated t...

2019-03-13 23:43:15 UTC  

**China blocking ASEAN members access to more than USD 2.5 trillion in recoverable energy reserves - US**
*by mczack13 (<>)*

2019-03-13 23:48:59 UTC  

**Semester Abroad in China - But which city?**
*by Hangzhounike (<>)*
Hello there,

I will begin studying Business Administration and Chinese soon, and my university will offer me a semester abroad in China. We have partner universities in Shenzhen, Xi'an, Shanghai and Qingdao, and I am free to pick one of these...

2019-03-14 00:07:51 UTC  

**why do so many white people bleach their hair blonde before going to china?**
*by bosnianbarbie (<>)*
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I just noticed on social media as well as people I saw on the streets, they have horribly bleached hair. Like yellow blonde.

Is this because Chinese people wouldn't find you as interesting (appearance wise) if you...

2019-03-14 00:39:00 UTC  

**随我遊中国 - 世界上最大的星巴克位于上海的南京西路上 (World largest Starbucks store in Shanghai)**
*by xiaowenz (<>)*

2019-03-14 01:25:43 UTC  

**[OC]Chinese provinces' equivalent to American states and cities**
*by 15theory (<>)*

2019-03-14 01:32:15 UTC  

**Proposal for "Nationwide Death Education" in China Sparks Calls to Allow Euthanasia**
*by niu_ge (<>)*

2019-03-14 01:56:54 UTC  

**Students at China’s top university administered ‘political loyalty’ surveys**
*by vilekangaree (<>)*

2019-03-14 02:18:45 UTC  

**Chinese poem illustration/ 清平调 其一/李白 The legend of queen and her poeny l...**
*by choubb (<>)*

2019-03-14 02:29:18 UTC  

**Global Millionaire Population Analysis 2019 - China ranks third in number of millionaires**
*by mgmanalyst (<>)*

2019-03-14 02:39:25 UTC  

**Vogue and Zara, Frecklegate and 'beauty' in China, explained | Video**
*by vzvictorzheng (<>)*

2019-03-14 03:41:16 UTC  

**Anyone here in China try Proton V P N yet?**
*by msnahuzt (<>)*
If their V P N service is as secure as their email, I'm interested in trying but first would like to hear how easy/hard it is to connect from China by someone on the ground here.

2019-03-14 04:13:36 UTC  

**Chinese parents storm primary school in rotten food row Mouldy meat found after children experienced breathing problems and stomach pains**
*by SE_to_NW (<>)*

2019-03-14 04:23:09 UTC  

**Facial Recognition might Soon Be Live in China Subways**
*by TechRetox (<>)*

2019-03-14 04:24:04 UTC  

**China’s nuclear reactor building spree China needs eight new reactors per year until 2030, when 10% of its electricity will be nuclear**
*by SE_to_NW (<>)*

2019-03-14 04:25:26 UTC  
2019-03-14 04:49:31 UTC  

**A Flurry of Ideas to Reverse China’s Declining Birthrate, but Will Beijing Listen?**
*by SE_to_NW (<>)*

2019-03-14 05:03:39 UTC  

**The Chinese presidential candidate Andrew Yang on why he's pushing for a universal basic income**
*by aerowindwalker (<>)*

2019-03-14 05:21:00 UTC  

**Why It's Almost Impossible to Extract Huawei From Telecom Networks**
*by aerowindwalker (<>)*

2019-03-14 05:46:34 UTC  
2019-03-14 06:39:49 UTC  
2019-03-14 07:48:03 UTC  

**Chinese cheaters in video games.**
*by SixFingerHands (<>)*

Recently I watch video game the 'Apex Legends' streaming on Twitch. However, this game was dominated by Chinese cheating players also known as hackers.

I guess the number of cheating players and cheating program sellers were a half of t...

2019-03-14 07:58:23 UTC  

**This is how stupid they are**
*by Japansexnetwork (<>)*
OK, I go to the corner store to pick up some beer. I'm a regular there. For smokes and beer.

As I reach in to get a beer, one of the other bottles tips over.

I go to pay 6rmb for my 2 beers and they tell me no, I have to also pay for the one tha...

2019-03-14 08:30:43 UTC  

**POLL: Losing a customer over 50 cents. Smart or dumb move?**
*by Japansexnetwork (<>)*
OK, I go to the corner store to pick up some beer. I'm a regular there. For smokes and beer.

As I reach in to get 2 Tsingdaos, another bottle tips over.

I go to pay 6rmb for my 2 beers and they tell me no, I have to also pay for the one that got...

2019-03-14 08:46:41 UTC  

**Cao Shunli died five years ago. She stood up to China on human rights, and so must we**
*by extra_good (<>)*

2019-03-14 08:49:21 UTC  

**Australian & Chinese Students Reacting to Chinese International Student Stereotypes & Reasons for Large Influx**
*by CassieDoggy12 (<>)*

2019-03-14 08:52:36 UTC  

**How to play the piano by PianoCourse101**
*by piano0011 (<>)*

Hey guys!

PianoCourse101 is now offering free lessons for beginners! It is aimed mainly towards children but adults are also welcomed to learn! There will be lessons for adults in the future if there are enough subscribers and thumbs up! Pleas...

2019-03-14 08:59:39 UTC  

**Check for points on my driving license?**
*by godless-life (<>)*
Hi all,

I've gotten my Chinese driving license in October after passing the theory exam, it's valid for 6 years.

Now I got 6 points in the first month always at the same spot - a traffic light only for left turns that is not marked as such, and ...

2019-03-14 09:32:24 UTC  

**Trump’s Anti-Huawei Campaign Creates Opportunities for Homegrown Brands**
*by snowblue83 (<>)*

2019-03-14 09:56:06 UTC  

**Awww thank you air china! Cutest USB thumb drive ever!**
*by gaymerbearnboots (<>)*

2019-03-14 11:00:59 UTC  
2019-03-14 11:03:23 UTC  
2019-03-14 11:19:05 UTC  

**Xi's ambition mirrors those of past emperors: Chinese student**
*by mczack13 (<>)*

2019-03-14 11:22:34 UTC  

**How long will a visa run take?**
*by MrChristmas (<>)*
I'm mostly going to lie to my employer and take my paycheque and run. I get paid on the 10th and I don't want any funny business with my pay. I need to leave by April 3, so I wanted to ask for some time off for the 'visa run' and then by the time ...

2019-03-14 11:28:51 UTC  

**Tourist from China snaps at Chinese-Singaporean guy who 'can't speak Mandarin'**
*by mczack13 (<>)*

2019-03-14 11:33:51 UTC  

**Exyte celebrates 30 years of business in Asia at Semicon China**
*by customnewspk (<>)*