Message from @BranFlakes

Discord ID: 502899096978194433

2018-10-19 17:40:26 UTC  

@Captain Kirk JT you can't do that

2018-10-19 17:40:31 UTC  

Gonna shit mount Fuji

2018-10-19 17:40:33 UTC  

It doesn't work like pimples

2018-10-19 17:40:34 UTC  

Wanna bet

2018-10-19 17:40:40 UTC  

Nigger I've had them

2018-10-19 17:40:42 UTC  

@Captain Kirk JT ♥️♥️♥️♥️

2018-10-19 17:40:43 UTC  

@HAMURAII Drink epsom salt

2018-10-19 17:40:45 UTC  

Fuck you mean

2018-10-19 17:40:50 UTC  

You can pop them

2018-10-19 17:40:53 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:40:56 UTC  

I mean it doesnt help

2018-10-19 17:40:59 UTC  

Maybe not pop

2018-10-19 17:41:00 UTC  

dont want to dry my shit out more

2018-10-19 17:41:01 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:41:03 UTC  

You just end up spreading them

2018-10-19 17:41:06 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:41:08 UTC  

I know

2018-10-19 17:41:11 UTC  

Its bar

2018-10-19 17:41:13 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:41:26 UTC  

@HAMURAII Espom salt absorbs moisture nignog.

2018-10-19 17:41:28 UTC  

I'm 1 year without a breakout

2018-10-19 17:41:35 UTC  

Pretty sure the weed helps

2018-10-19 17:41:36 UTC  

Rupture them so you spread then to all your female friends like a true chad

2018-10-19 17:41:38 UTC  

It'll make your stool softer

2018-10-19 17:41:40 UTC  

you want to make you poop happy and moist

2018-10-19 17:41:46 UTC  

>female friends

2018-10-19 17:41:59 UTC  

@BranFlakes them 33% milkers

2018-10-19 17:42:01 UTC  

Female NPC'S

2018-10-19 17:42:06 UTC  

There you go

2018-10-19 17:42:33 UTC  

Does it cure herps

2018-10-19 17:42:34 UTC  

oki you got me

2018-10-19 17:43:06 UTC  

took some Snorelax and buttlax

2018-10-19 17:43:09 UTC  

Just use a 2 foot dildo up yer ass to loosen it up.

2018-10-19 17:43:16 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:43:32 UTC  

Lax 2 the max bro

2018-10-19 17:43:38 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:43:39 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:43:41 UTC  

just do it

2018-10-19 17:43:53 UTC  


2018-10-19 17:43:57 UTC  

gonna shit 72inch big boy