Message from @r/trump • YAGPDB

Discord ID: 555764509416095766

2019-03-14 03:59:15 UTC  

**EPA's Hazardous Waste e-Manifest System Receives One Millionth Manifest: Saving Industry and States Significant Time and Money**
*by News_Release_Bot (<>)*

2019-03-14 10:31:38 UTC  

**“Democrats are frantic to throw something else at the President. That’s why you saw those 81 subpoenas. It’s ridiculous. Just because your still upset over an election that happened 2 1/2 years ago, you should not be allowed to ruin people’s lives like this.” Lara Trump, @FoxNews**
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2019-03-14 10:47:24 UTC  

**A big National Emergency vote today by The United States Senate on Border Security & the Wall (which is already under major construction). I am prepared to veto, if necessary. The Southern Border is a National Security and Humanitarian Nightmare, but it can be easily fixed!**
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2019-03-14 11:25:39 UTC  

**My Administration looks forward to negotiating a large scale Trade Deal with the United Kingdom. The potential is unlimited!**
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2019-03-14 11:27:17 UTC  

**.@SecPompeo: "I have a message for the Venezuelan people—the American people are with you."**
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2019-03-14 11:57:17 UTC  

**The Democrats are “Border Deniers.” They refuse to see or acknowledge the Death, Crime, Drugs and Human Trafficking at our Southern Border!**
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2019-03-14 12:07:45 UTC  

**DNI Dan Coats Selected to 2019 Wash100 for Leading U.S. Intelligence Operations, Supporting National and Homeland Security**
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2019-03-14 12:28:00 UTC  

**The three very weak and untalented late night “hosts” are “fighting over table scraps. Carson did a great job, it wasn’t political. I don’t know what they’re going to do in 2024 when he’s no longer President? Will be wacky in the unemployment line.” Michael Loftus @foxandfriends**
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2019-03-14 12:43:32 UTC  
2019-03-14 13:07:40 UTC  

**Remarks by President Trump in Briefing on Drug Trafficking on the Southern Border | The White House**
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2019-03-14 13:33:39 UTC  

**LIVE: DOD Officials Testify at the Senate Armed Services Committee**
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2019-03-14 13:35:53 UTC  

**LIVE: DOD Officials Testify at the Senate Armed Services Committee**
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2019-03-14 13:35:58 UTC  

**Readout from Secretary Nielsen’s Trip to the Advanced Training Center with Vice President Mike Pence**
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2019-03-14 13:51:37 UTC  

**Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS Announces New Members**
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2019-03-14 14:15:58 UTC  

**....If, at a later date, Congress wants to update the law, I will support those efforts, but today’s issue is BORDER SECURITY and Crime!!! Don’t vote with Pelosi!**
*by News_Release_Bot (<>)*

2019-03-14 14:15:59 UTC  

**Prominent legal scholars agree that our actions to address the National Emergency at the Southern Border and to protect the American people are both CONSTITUTIONAL and EXPRESSLY authorized by Congress....**
*by News_Release_Bot (<>)*

2019-03-14 14:25:46 UTC  

**U.S. Department of Energy Announces $30 Million for Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Carbon Capture Systems**
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2019-03-14 14:27:54 UTC  

**Americans will remember if the only real action Congress takes on immigration is attempting to stop the President from enforcing its own duly passed laws.**
*by News_Release_Bot (<>)*

2019-03-14 14:27:55 UTC  

**The price we pay is steep. Human smugglers exploit our broken border, profiting off migrants they treat as cargo. 1 in 3 women is sexually assaulted along the way. And criminals who evade our system are responsible for thousands of assaults, drug crimes, and murders.**
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2019-03-14 14:48:15 UTC  

**Standing for a strong border! State attorneys general: Donald Trump's national emergency declaration is constitutional … via @usatoday**
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2019-03-14 14:49:44 UTC  

**A vote for today’s resolution by Republican Senators is a vote for Nancy Pelosi, Crime, and the Open Border Democrats!**
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2019-03-14 15:34:24 UTC  

**This is a national emergency.**
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2019-03-14 15:59:49 UTC  

**Welcome to Basic Training**
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2019-03-14 16:17:31 UTC  

**Attorneys General Ken Paxton, Curtis Hill, and Jeff Landry: "Donald Trump’s National Emergency Declaration is Constitutional” | The White House**
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2019-03-14 16:24:00 UTC  

**“I don’t know what the vote will be, it doesn’t matter, I'll probably have to veto…it's a vote for border security, it's a vote for no crime.”**
*by News_Release_Bot (<>)*

2019-03-14 16:24:09 UTC  

**Congratulations @Toyota! BIG NEWS for U.S. Auto Workers! The USMCA is already fixing the broken NAFTA deal.**
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2019-03-14 16:27:45 UTC  

**“We are going to have a very strong border."**
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2019-03-14 16:31:51 UTC  

**Ivanka Trump: "When women are economically empowered, societies prosper and peace prevails."**
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2019-03-14 16:31:51 UTC  

**Vice President Pence Visits U.S. Customs and Border Protection Advanced Training Facility**
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2019-03-14 16:48:24 UTC  

**This is a national emergency.**
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2019-03-14 16:51:53 UTC  

**President Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of Ireland**
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2019-03-14 17:12:15 UTC  

**This week, smugglers dropped 2 small girls, ages 6 and 9, over a barrier at the U.S. border to divert law enforcement officials. While @CBP**
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2019-03-14 17:21:40 UTC  

**This is a national emergency.**
*by News_Release_Bot (<>)*

2019-03-14 17:26:46 UTC  

**Federal Grand Jury Returns Superseding Indictment against Five Amalia, New Mexico Compound Defendants**
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2019-03-14 17:30:01 UTC  

**Every day, the men & women of @CBP are dealing with dangerous criminals, drug smugglers, human traffickers & violent gang members. We call on every member of the Senate: Stand up for border security. Stand with @POTUS. Put the safety & security of the American people first!**
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2019-03-14 17:39:46 UTC  

**This is a national emergency. Thanks for finally noticing, Washington Post.**
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2019-03-14 17:42:45 UTC  

**DOD’s Artificial Intelligence Initiatives Outlined Before Senate**
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2019-03-14 17:47:32 UTC  

**DOD’s Artificial Intelligence Initiatives Outlined Before Senate**
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2019-03-14 17:58:14 UTC  
2019-03-14 18:07:37 UTC