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Discord ID: 550703037350674433

2019-02-28 15:17:04 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/lobsterbash** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Rick Santorum is furious over Trump's 'reprehensible' Otto Warmbier comments** - <>

2019-02-28 15:17:25 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/mafco** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**No, the Green New Deal doesn't aim to end air travel, as Florida Sen. Rick Scott says** - <>

2019-02-28 15:19:23 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/coolbern** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Dems wrestle over how to vote on ‘Green New Deal’** - <>

2019-02-28 15:20:26 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/RileyWWarrick** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Virginia first lady Pam Northam handed out cotton to African-American children, asked them to imagine being enslaved** - <>

2019-02-28 15:21:26 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/pnewell** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**McConnell wildly out of step with Kentucky and US on climate change** - <>

2019-02-28 15:22:29 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/AnotherSolo** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**The most chilling moment of Michael Cohen’s testimony** - <>

2019-02-28 15:23:37 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/StellarNewyork** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Michael Cohen heads back to Capitol Hill to testify behind closed doors** - <>

2019-02-28 15:24:47 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Gianfranco_Romano** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Michael Cohen to testify to Congress as Democrat says president's impeachment is 'inevitable'** - <>

2019-02-28 15:24:50 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/AxumusLaw** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Former GOP Governor: We Need Electoral College or Else ‘White People Will Not Have Anything to Say’** - <>

2019-02-28 15:26:25 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/AmberFL** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**House Democrats weigh rules change after GOP floor victory** - <>

2019-02-28 15:26:29 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Ner020** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Testifying before Congress, trans troops say Trump's ban will impact military readiness** - <>

2019-02-28 15:26:36 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/aubonpaine** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Jim Jordan: Congress's bully-in-chief set Republican tone at Cohen hearing** - <>

2019-02-28 15:31:00 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Normiesreeee69** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Michael Cohen speaks directly to Trump in scathing closing statement** - <>

2019-02-28 15:31:03 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Tim_Wolf** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Michael Cohen's shocking picture of Trump's mob-like world** - <>

2019-02-28 15:32:03 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/kiwibonga** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Former Sen. Reid wants UFO studies made public** - <>

2019-02-28 15:33:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/hedgewin** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**$26M later and nothing to show for it; where are all the budget-conscious "small government" conservatives?** - <>

2019-02-28 15:33:32 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/jlew24asu** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**About That Big Regulatory Rollback...** - <>

2019-02-28 15:34:07 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Broken-Juevos** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Hannity Insists: Cohen Was Never My Lawyer ‘in Any Capacity’—and He Apologized to Me** - <>

2019-02-28 15:34:55 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Creasy007** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Dem Rep Says Cohen Hearing 'Could Lead To Impeachment'** - <>

2019-02-28 15:35:07 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/StevenSanders90210** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**No, Mark Meadows. Having a black friend doesn’t mean you’re not racist.** - <>

2019-02-28 15:37:15 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/OwnBitcoin** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says There's 'No Question' She'd Vote To Impeach Trump: 'I Don’t Even Know Why It’s Controversial'** - <>

2019-02-28 15:41:47 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Ner020** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**The ‘stupid’ mistake by Donald Trump that led to the Michael Cohen hearings** - <>

2019-02-28 15:44:18 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Congrajulations** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Trump’s reversals on Warmbier and Cohen are pure Trump: What have you done for me lately?** - <>

2019-02-28 15:44:21 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/anonredditdrone** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Calls growing for Maryland lawmaker to resign over slur** - <>

2019-02-28 15:44:54 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Broken-Juevos** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Black belt Vladimir Putin shows off his judo chops as he works out with Russian team** - <>

2019-02-28 15:45:41 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/aubonpaine** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**How violent American vigilantes at the border led to Trump’s wall** - <>

2019-02-28 15:46:17 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Congrajulations** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**5 Ways the GOP Is Trying to Discredit Michael Cohen** - <>

2019-02-28 15:46:27 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Oaksbomber** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Cohen's devastating testimony lays Trump's depravity bare - How long will Republicans continue to defend the president, as evidence of White House criminality mounts?** - <>

2019-02-28 15:46:54 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/likeafox** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**AMA: "I'm Lowell Feld, founder and editor of the progressive political blog Blue Virginia. I'm happy to answer your questions about what the heck's going on in Virginia politics these days." | crosspost from r/Virgina** - <>

2019-02-28 15:50:36 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/wenchette** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Supreme Court Could Bury Separation of Church and State Under a Maryland Cross** - <>

2019-02-28 15:50:47 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/thesesforty-three** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Matt Gaetz overheard telling Trump about threatening Michael Cohen tweet: 'I was happy to do it for you'** - <>

2019-02-28 15:50:55 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Congrajulations** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**The White House was confident enough of a deal with Kim to schedule a signing ceremony, but had to abandon it when talks collapsed** - <>

2019-02-28 15:51:47 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Alittlepale** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Here Are The New Lines Of Investigation Michael Cohen’s Testimony Opened Up For Congress** - <>

2019-02-28 15:52:45 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/champdo** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Kamala Harris: It's Time to Make Women Full Citizens at Last** - <>

2019-02-28 15:53:06 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/LosDosTacosLocos** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Michael Cohen testifies on Russia, WikiLeaks, money trail in closed-door congressional hearing** - <>

2019-02-28 15:54:11 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Alittlepale** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Michael Cohen Worries There Won’t Be 'Peaceful Transition Of Power’ If Trump Loses In 2020** - <>

2019-02-28 15:57:04 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Tzar-Romulus** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Opinion | The mob analogy got a whole lot stronger** - <>

2019-02-28 15:57:55 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/MastersOfTheUnibrow** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Won the Cohen Hearing** - <>

2019-02-28 15:58:13 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Alittlepale** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**Washington Post Editorial Board Rips ‘Defective’ Trump With Cohen Hearing Takeaway** - <>

2019-02-28 16:02:50 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/Ner020** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**US economy grows faster than expected in the 4th quarter, but annual GDP misses Trump's goal** - <>

2019-02-28 16:02:56 UTC  

<:reddit:462994034428870656> **/u/slakmehl** posted a new link in **/r/politics**
**What We’ve Learned From Michael Cohen — “Trump, Inc.” Podcast Extra** - <>