Message from @bvrgr🍔

Discord ID: 501726277317820427

2018-10-16 11:55:56 UTC  

you can't speak for everyone

2018-10-16 11:55:59 UTC  

How the fuck is this even a thing

2018-10-16 11:56:07 UTC  

Who came up with FUCKING CREAM SODA

2018-10-16 11:56:27 UTC  

it's american i think

2018-10-16 11:56:33 UTC  

No shit its american

2018-10-16 11:56:41 UTC  

Who else couldncome up with this shit

2018-10-16 11:57:02 UTC

2018-10-16 11:57:05 UTC  


2018-10-16 11:57:06 UTC  

What other country on earth could make shit like this

2018-10-16 11:57:16 UTC  


2018-10-16 11:57:31 UTC  

China probably makes starvation or smth

2018-10-16 11:57:32 UTC  

A recipe for cream soda—written by E. M. Sheldon and published in Michigan Farmer in 1852—called for water, cream of tartar (tartaric acid), Epsom salts, sugar, egg, and milk, to be mixed, then heated, and when cool mixed with water and a quarter teaspoonful of soda (sodium bicarbonate) to make an effervescent drink. It was suggested as a temperance drink preferable to those of "Uncle Bacchus" and in compliance with the recently introduced Maine Law.[1]

2018-10-16 11:57:42 UTC  


2018-10-16 11:57:53 UTC  

Honestly africa should take notes on china and make a law on how many kids you can have

2018-10-16 11:57:55 UTC  

Drink water retards

2018-10-16 11:58:07 UTC

2018-10-16 12:00:06 UTC

2018-10-16 12:00:11 UTC  

fuck i really need this on thursday

2018-10-16 12:00:43 UTC  

what's this?

2018-10-16 12:00:56 UTC  

Oct. 19 - Oct. 24

2018-10-16 12:01:06 UTC  

which book, i mean obviously

2018-10-16 12:01:10 UTC  

you nigger

2018-10-16 12:01:24 UTC  

I wasnt anwsering you cuck

2018-10-16 12:01:30 UTC  

i know

2018-10-16 12:01:33 UTC  

you have me blocked

2018-10-16 12:01:43 UTC  

I unblocked you cucklord

2018-10-16 12:01:51 UTC  

just go back to drinking your shitty cream soda on your train ride

2018-10-16 12:01:58 UTC  

I am

2018-10-16 12:02:15 UTC  

dumb netherlands outlander

2018-10-16 12:02:19 UTC  

go back

2018-10-16 12:02:20 UTC  

No u

2018-10-16 12:02:51 UTC  

are you pulling 4g right now?

2018-10-16 12:03:06 UTC  


2018-10-16 12:03:12 UTC  

finland is such a beautiful country

2018-10-16 12:03:16 UTC  

no g forces

2018-10-16 12:03:18 UTC  

I have H+

2018-10-16 12:03:25 UTC  

I wish this was joke

2018-10-16 12:03:31 UTC  

this nigga in a tailspin

2018-10-16 12:03:43 UTC

2018-10-16 12:04:12 UTC  

@Septapus comic 9

2018-10-16 12:04:13 UTC