Message from @Double Negative

Discord ID: 501902436265361411

2018-10-16 23:38:38 UTC  

herc thats not even an argument

2018-10-16 23:38:45 UTC  

absolute mongloid hercules strikes again

2018-10-16 23:38:48 UTC  

you can complain about homes being unaffordable even if you can afford them

2018-10-16 23:38:49 UTC  

@Double Negative he was trying to say that I was just assuming

2018-10-16 23:38:51 UTC  

and that I was wrong

2018-10-16 23:39:01 UTC  

you are assuming

2018-10-16 23:39:21 UTC  

how many boomers sit down and actually self relfect and think "oh i spent a lot less, houses are too much these days"

2018-10-16 23:39:29 UTC  

boomers dont self reflect, period

2018-10-16 23:39:33 UTC  

they are too busy mowing their lawns

2018-10-16 23:39:35 UTC  

you proverbially rammed through the brick wall into the conversation because you saw the words 'BUY', 'HOUSE' and 'CHEAP'

2018-10-16 23:39:36 UTC  

at 10am

2018-10-16 23:39:38 UTC  


2018-10-16 23:39:39 UTC  


2018-10-16 23:40:32 UTC  

no I'm just tired of hearing people whine every 5 seconds about housing
it's expensive but it's not out of this world expensive

my father could pay the mortgage of this house and guess what his job was? he was in the army for a total of 20 years, and he was only 10 years in when he got the house

2018-10-16 23:40:35 UTC  

so go eat a log of shit

2018-10-16 23:40:46 UTC  

what does this have to do with you anyway horkysporky

2018-10-16 23:40:56 UTC  

because it shows that you can afford a house

2018-10-16 23:40:57 UTC  

good for your father

2018-10-16 23:40:58 UTC  

if you pick a good job

2018-10-16 23:41:05 UTC  

thanks for the irrelevant information

2018-10-16 23:41:05 UTC  

>if you pick a good job
that's the problem

2018-10-16 23:41:09 UTC  

and that it isn't as overpriced as people think

2018-10-16 23:41:14 UTC  

it absolutely is

2018-10-16 23:41:15 UTC  

certain housing areas are fucking overpriced

2018-10-16 23:41:19 UTC  

and you should avoid those

2018-10-16 23:41:29 UTC  

good jobs tend to be in areas with a higher cost of living

2018-10-16 23:41:38 UTC  

@Double Negative not always

2018-10-16 23:41:41 UTC  

you could move to the middle of bumfuck nowhere and drive 12 hours to your well paying job in a big city

2018-10-16 23:41:42 UTC  

it's not relevant to the discussion of considering the economic differences between boomer times and modern times, in which the economy is considerably different

2018-10-16 23:41:55 UTC  

housing affordability varies from area to area

2018-10-16 23:42:07 UTC  

@Double Negative you're exagerating
people around here do the kind of shit you describe, but drive 30 minutes at most to get to work

2018-10-16 23:42:26 UTC  

@wamps I guess I should have pointed that out from the start, but then again it only took five seconds of even typing those words out before sperglord appeared from the shadows

2018-10-16 23:42:32 UTC  

I know tons of people who commute hours to get to work

2018-10-16 23:42:37 UTC  

if homes arent hard to afford, why is home ownership so damn low these days?

2018-10-16 23:42:45 UTC  

people make stupid choices

2018-10-16 23:42:49 UTC  

and they are more expensive

2018-10-16 23:42:50 UTC  

>its because ppl are stupid

2018-10-16 23:42:52 UTC  

so it IS harder

2018-10-16 23:43:06 UTC  

poor people usually don't want to spend hours to get to work just to be able to afford a house

2018-10-16 23:43:07 UTC  

Are you denying that most Americans are fucking stupid?

2018-10-16 23:43:15 UTC  

considering the average IQ